Neue Formen des Regierens und Klimaschutz durch private Unternehmen

Miriam Schröder , Markus Lederer , Harald Fuhr
GIGA Focus Global 7 ( 07) 8

Climate change, negative emissions and solar radiation management: It is time for an open societal conversation

Axel Michaelowa , Ivo Wallimann-Helmer , Andrea Stenke , David Keith
Honegger, Matthias; Münch, Steffen; Hirsch, Annette; Beuttler, Christoph; Peter, Thomas; Burns, Wil; Geden, Oliver; Goeschl, Timo; Gregorowius, Daniel; Keith, David; Lederer, Markus; Michaelowa, Axel; Pasztor, Janos; Schäfer, Stefan; Seneviratne, Sonia I; Stenke, Andrea; Patt, Anthony; Wallimann-Helmer, Ivo (2017). Climate change, negative emissions and solar radiation management: It is time for an open societal conversation. St. Gallen: Stiftung Risiko-Dialog.

The UNFCCC Secretariat as an Orchestrator in Global Climate Policy-Making

Oscar Widerberg , Philipp Pattberg , Markus Lederer , Thomas Hickmann
International Review of Administrative Sciences 87 ( 1) 23 -40

Integrative Konzepte bei der Reform der Vereinten Nationen : Potsdam, 25./26. Juni 2004

Peter H. Sand , Wibke Hansen , Markus Lederer , Andreas Obser
Universitätsverlag Potsdam

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Transformative Change through the Sustainable Development Goals?

Sabine Weiland , Markus Lederer , Sandra Schwindenhammer , Thomas Hickmann
Politics and Governance 9 ( 1) 90 -95

Le Secrétariat de la Convention-cadre des Nations unies sur les changements climatiques, l’orchestrateur dans l’élaboration de la politique climatique mondiale

Oscar Widerberg , Philipp Pattberg , Markus Lederer , Thomas Hickmann
Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives 87 ( 1) 23 -40

Low-carbon energy, sustainable development and justice: towards a just energy transition for the society and the environment

Giuseppina Siciliano , Markus Lederer , Linda Wallbott , Frauke Urban
Sustainable Development

The Politics of the Global

Markus Lederer
Perspectives on Politics 4 ( 03) 635 -636

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Secretariat as an orchestrator in global climate policymaking

Thomas Hickmann , Oscar Widerberg , Markus Lederer , Philipp Pattberg
International Review of Administrative Sciences 87 ( 1) 21 -38

Tracing Sustainability Transformations and Drivers of Green Economy Approaches in the Global South

Markus Lederer , Linda Wallbott , Steffen Bauer
The Journal of Environment & Development 27 ( 1) 3 -25

Varieties of Carbon Governance in Newly Industrializing Countries

Harald Fuhr , Markus Lederer
The Journal of Environment & Development 18 ( 4) 327 -345

Staat, Gesellschaft und grüne Transformationen im globalen Süden

Linda Wallbott , Markus Lederer
Ökologisches Wirtschaften - Fachzeitschrift 32 ( 2) 34 -39