Antje ed Wiener
PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 26 ( 105)
Wiener Antje
Comparative European Politics 5 ( 1) 1 -17
Wiener Antje
Routledge, London
Wiener Antje , Lang Anthony , Tully James , Maduro Miguel
Global Constitutionalism 1 ( 1) 1 -15
Wiener Antje
Westview Press
Wiener Antje
Citizenship Pracrice: Building Institutions of a Non-State
Diez Thomas , Wiener Antje
Oxford 1 -22
Wiener Antje
Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 14 183 -189
Wiener Antje
Webpapers on Constitutionalism & Governance beyond the State ( 5)
Diez Thomas , Wiener Antje
European Integration Theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York
Ernst Haas , Thomas Christiansen , Jorgensen Knud , Wiener Antje
22 -31
Wiener Antje
Verfassungsblog 22
Journal of International Law and International Relations, Special Issue 5 ( 1)
A comparative perspective. Trabalho apresentado no XVII International Congress of Latin American Studies Association, Los Angeles 24 -27
Thomas DIEZ , Antje WIENER
European Integration Theory 1 -25
Constitution-making and Citizenship Practice. Journal of Common Market Studies 35 ( 4) 595 -614
Antje Wiener
Rivista italiana di scienza politica 37 ( 1) 25 -54
Antje Wiener , Karlheinz Neunreither
Research Papers in Economics
Antje Wiener
Research Papers in Economics 24