ZH Weng , SM Jowitt , GM Mudd , N Haque
SM Jowitt , Richard E Ernst
RE Ernst , H El Bilali , KL Buchan , SM Jowitt
Economic Geology 119 ( 2) 243 -249
Richard E Ernst , SM Jowitt , JA Blanchard
Ультрамафит-мафитовые комплексы: геология, строение, рудный потенциал: материалы V Международной конференции (Гремячинск, 2-6 сентября 2017 г.). Улан-Удэ, 2017. С. 309-310
Richard E Ernst , SM Jowitt , JA Blanchard
AK Khudoley , AV Prokopiev , KR Chamberlain , RE Ernst
SM Jowitt , RE Ernst , G Sparkes , Hannah Hughes
Jingwen Mao , Frank P Bierlein , SM Jowitt , FM McEvoy
Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge: Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial SGA Meeting Beijing, China, 18–21 August 2005 1469 -1472
CC Medlin , SM Jowitt , RAF Cas
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JH Werner , GM Mudd , SM Jowitt
Phys,“Schottky Barrier and pn-junction I/V Plots–Small Signal Evaluation” A 47
Richard E Ernst , SM Jowitt , JA Blanchard , DA Liikane
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 110 ( 1) 012005
BA McNulty , SM Jowitt
Simon R.N. Chenery , Laurence A Coogan , Jon Naden , Garwen R.T. Jenkin
Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Biennial Meeting 2007 1037 -1040
Gawen R.T. Jenkin , Laurence A. Coogan , Jon Naden , Simon M. Jowitt
Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits Biennial Meeting 2009 719 -721
Simon M. Jowitt , Brian A. McNulty
SEG Discovery ( 125) 27 -36
Gavin M. Mudd , Charles Roche , Stephen A. Northey , Simon M. Jowitt
Science of The Total Environment 741 140375
Zhehan Weng , Simon M. Jowitt , Gavin M. Mudd , Nawshad Haque
Economic Geology 110 ( 8) 1925 -1952
Simon M. Jowitt
Economic Geology 110 ( 8) 2188 -2189
Gavin M Mudd , Simon M Jowitt ,
Economic Geology 113 ( 6) 1235 -1267
Simon M. Jowitt
Economic Geology 114 ( 4) 807 -808