Joni Jackson , Martie Mearns
2013 Conference
Martie Mearns , Kevin Mearns
Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 28 ( 3) 205 -217
Ben Coetzee , Martie Mearns , Liandi Van Den Berg
South African Journal for Research in Sport Physical Education and Recreation 42 ( 2) 133 -154
Lameshnee Chetty , Martie Mearns
SA Journal of Information Management 14 ( 1) 9
Dina Adamovic , Andrea Potgieter , Martie Mearns
SA Journal of Information Management 14 ( 1) 7
Manthisana Mosese , Martie Mearns
SA Journal of Information Management 18 ( 1) 9
Sithembiso Khumalo , Martie Mearns
SA Journal of Information Management 21 ( 1) 9
Wafeequa Dinath , Martie Mearns
SA Journal of Information Management 21 ( 1) 10
Cornelius J.P. Niemand , Martie Mearns
SA Journal of Information Management 22 ( 1) 7
Martie Mearns
Athens Journal of Tourism 5 ( 3) 217 -235
Liandi van den Berg , Ben Coetzee , Martie Mearns
International Journal of Information Management 52 102071
Liandi Van den Berg , Ben Coetzee , Seugnet Blignaut , Martie Mearns
International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 18 ( 1) 32 -54
Martie Mearns , Kevin Mearns
South African Journal of Science and Technology 28 ( 3) 205 -217
Ilse Assmann , Martie Mearns
Archives and Records: The Journal of the Archives and Records Association 36 ( 2) 146 -166
Wafeequa Dinath , Martie Mearns
Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on Knowledge management 286 -294
Lameshnee Govender , Martie Mearns , Tanya Du Plessis
South African Journal of Information Management 24 ( 1) 1447 -1447
Martie Mearns
Expert systems with Applications 39 ( 10) 9892 -9898
Sithembiso Khumalo , Martie Mearns
European Conference on Knowledge Management 629 -XXII
Martie Mearns , Lizelle Jacobs
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, knowledge Management and Organisational Learning: ICICKM 328 -328
Unine Van den Berg , Martie Mearns
South African Geographical Journal 105 ( 4) 464 -480