Senescent phenotypes and telomere lengths of peripheral blood T-cells mobilized by acute exercise in humans.

Paul G Shiels , Hanspeter Pircher , Guillaume Spielmann , Guillaume Spielmann
Exercise Immunology Review 16 40 -55

The Impact of Latent Herpesvirus Infections on the Mobilization of Recent Thymic Emigrants and Extrathymic T-cells in Response to Acute Aerobic Exercise in Man

Guillaume Spielmann , Austin J Bigley , Jerrald L Rector , Richard J Simpson
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2 ( 2) 7

Physical Exercise and its Implications for Aging Immunity and Adoptive Transfer Immunotherapy

Richard J Simpson
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 10 ( 1) 14

CMV-specific T-cells Mobilized with Exercise have Broad Epitope Specificity and a High-Differentiated Effector Memory Phenotype.

Hanspeter Pircher , Emily Cp LaVoy , Guillaume Spielmann , Austin B Bigley
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 10 ( 1) 68

Acute exercise enhances the expansion of cytotoxic T-cells specific to leukemia and melanoma antigens: implications for adoptive transfer immunotherapy?

Emily C LaVoy , James W Blaney , Patrick J Hanley , Catherine M Bollard
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 10 ( 1) 65

The impact of latent CMV infection on NK-cell mobilization and expression of KLRG1 and CD57 in response to acute exercise.

Guillaume Spielmann , Jerrald L Rector , Austin B Bigley , Richard J Simpson
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2 ( 2) 6

T-Lymphocyte Activation is Not Affected by the Mobilization of Senescent T-Cells into the Peripheral Blood Following an Acute Bout of Exercise

Guillaume Spielmann , David B Bartlett , Richard J Simpson , Keith Guy Dr
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2 ( 1) 36

Longitudinal, Diet-induced Weight Gain is Associated with Increased Blood Monocytes and Reduced TLR4 Expression

Kelley Strohacker , Whitney L Breslin , Katie C Carpenter , Richard J Simpson
International journal of exercise science 3 ( 3) 134 -142

The Impact of Long Duration Spaceflight on Plasma Antimicrobial Proteins

Brian E Crucian , Duane L Pierson , Guillaume Spielmann , Richard J Simpson
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 10 ( 1) 5

No impact of CMV or EBV seropositivity on the frequency of highly differentiated T-cells in Mexican-American adolescents

Guillaume Spielmann , Craig A Johnston , Richard J Simpson , John P. Foreyt
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2 ( 2) 39

A single bout of dynamic exercise enhances the expansion of MAGE-A4 and PRAME-specific cytotoxic T-cells from healthy adults.

Emily C P LaVoy , Daniel P O'Connor , James W Blaney , Patrick J Hanley
Exercise Immunology Review 21 144 -153

Regular physical activity is correlated with a reduced frequency of senescent T-lymphocytes in middle-aged men

Guillaume Spielmann , Keith Guy , Richard J Simpson , Paula J.W. Smith
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 3 ( 1) 4

The Effects of Exercise and a Low-Fat Diet on Monocyte TLR Expression and Disease Risk in Mice

Kelley Strohacker , Whitney Breslin , Nadia Agha , Katie C Carpenter
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2 ( 2) 38

Aerobic Exercise Training May Not Offset the Pro-inflammatory Effects of a High Fat Feeding

Kelley A Strohacker , Lisa Esposito , Katie C Carpenter , Richard J Simpson
International Journal of Exercise Science: Conference Proceedings 2 ( 1) 15

NK cells and exercise: implications for cancer immunotherapy and survivorship.

Austin B Bigley , Richard J Simpson
Discovery Medicine 19 ( 107) 433 -445

Understanding graft-versus-host disease. Preliminary findings regarding the effects of exercise in affected patients.

Carmen Fiuza-Luces , Nuria Garatachea , Manuel Ramírez , Richard J Simpson
Exercise Immunology Review 21 80 -112

The influence of age and cardiorespiratory fitness on circulating angiogenic T cells and CXCR4 expression.

Geraint Florida-James , Richard J Simpson , Eva M Malone , Mark D Ross
American College of Sports Medicine

Human cytomegalovirus infection and the immune response to exercise.

Emily C P LaVoy , Guillaume Spielmann , Austin B Bigley , Catherine M Bollard
Exercise Immunology Review 22 8 -27

Can exercise affect immune function to increase susceptibility to infection

David C Nieman , Maree Gleeson , Richard J Simpson , James E Turner
Exercise Immunology Review 26 8 -22

Haploidentical hematopoietic cell transplantation is even more advantageous during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Emmanuel Katsanis , Richard J Simpson , Santosh Hanmod , Kelly Stanley
Pediatric Transplantation 25 ( 3)