Issha Kayo , Atsushi Taruya , Takahiko Matsubara , Naoki Yoshida
The Astrophysical Journal 700 ( 1) 479 -490
Issha Kayo , Issha Kayo , Issha Kayo , Tomoki Morokuma
The Astronomical Journal 139 ( 4) 1614 -1621
Issha Kayo , Atsushi Taruya , Atsushi Taruya , Ken Osato
The Astrophysical Journal 895 ( 2) 113
Issha Kayo
Frontiers of Cosmology and Gravitation 243
Issha Kayo , Eiichiro Komatsu , Ryu Makiya
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021 ( 03) 095
Issha Kayo , Nobunari Kashikawa , Kazuhiro Shimasaku , Masafusa Onoue
arXiv: Astrophysics of Galaxies
Ryuichi Takahashi , Shunji Soma , Masahiro Takada , Issha Kayo
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444 ( 4) 3473 -3487
Chiaki Hikage , Yasushi Suto , Issha Kayo , Atsushi Taruya
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 54 ( 5) 707 -717
Chiaki Hikage , Jens Schmalzing , Thomas Buchert , Yasushi Suto
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 55 ( 5) 911 -931
Issha Kayo , Yasushi Suto , Robert C. Nichol , Jun Pan
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 56 ( 3) 415 -423
Jiayu Tang , Issha Kayo , Masahiro Takada
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 416 ( 3) 2291 -2310
Cristian E. Rusu , Masamune Oguri , Naohisa Inada , Issha Kayo
The Astrophysical Journal 738 ( 1) 30
Issha Kayo , Masahiro Takada , Bhuvnesh Jain
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429 ( 1) 344 -371
Teppei Okumura , Takahiko Matsubara , Daniel J. Eisenstein , Issha Kayo
The Astrophysical Journal 676 ( 2) 889 -898
Cristian E. Rusu , Masamune Oguri , Yosuke Minowa , Masanori Iye
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458 ( 1) 2 -55
Naohisa Inada , Masamune Oguri , Cristian E. Rusu , Issha Kayo
The Astronomical Journal 147 ( 6) 153
Naohisa Inada , Masamune Oguri , Cristian E. Rusu , Issha Kayo
The Astronomical Journal 149 ( 1) 35
Anupreeta More , Masamune Oguri , Issha Kayo , Joel Zinn
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456 ( 2) 1595 -1606
Joseph F. Hennawi , Michael D. Gladders , Masamune Oguri , Neal Dalal
The Astronomical Journal 135 ( 2) 664 -681
Masamune Oguri , Naohisa Inada , Michael A. Strauss , Christopher S. Kochanek
The Astronomical Journal 135 ( 2) 512 -519