Cynthia Mitchell , Andrea Turner , Stuart White
Environment Design Guide 1 -9
Andrea Turner , Pierre Mukheibir , Cynthia Mitchell
Waste Management and Environment 25 ( 10) 36 -37
Cynthia Mitchell , Stuart White
Water Policy 30 ( 5) 25 -28
Cynthia Mitchell , Stuart White
Innovations in Water: Ozwater Convention & Exhibition, Perth 6 -10
Pierre Mukheibir , Thomas Boyle , Cynthia Mitchell
Water Utility Journal ( 6) 29 -39
Katie Ross , Cynthia Mitchell
Transdisciplinary theory, practice and education: the art of collaborative research and collective learning 39 -56
EE De La Sienra Servin , Tanzi Smith , Cynthia Mitchell
The Journal of Sustainability Education
Simon Fane , Cynthia Mitchell
Enviro 06 conference and exhibition 9 -11
Tanja Rosenqvist , Cynthia Mitchell
Rachel Watson , Cynthia Mitchell , Simon Fane
OzWater13. Perth, Australia
Sabine Hoffmann , Christine Weber , Cynthia Mitchell
BioScience 72 ( 10) 963 -977
Cynthia Mitchell , Katie Ross
Routledge 196 -213
Cynthia Mitchell
Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology: Sydney, Australia
Terry Duggan , Cynthia Mitchell , ZT DOS SANTOS
A: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference on Engineering Education (Saint Paul, Minnesota, oct. 15-20). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Cynthia Mitchell
Cynthia Mitchell
Ecological Economics 213 107953 -107953
Katie Ross , Cynthia Mitchell
International Transformative Learning Conference. Transformation in Action: The Power of Community
Cynthia Mitchell , Katie Ross
Transdisciplinary Research and Practice for Sustainability Outcomes
Cynthia Mitchell
IWA Publishing
Cynthia Mitchell
Water: Journal of the Australian Water Association 41 ( 6) 6 -7