Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Emily Birckhead
RACI Natural Products Chemistry Group Symposium. Annual One-day Symposium: RACI
Jane Quinn , Leslie Weston , Cecile Bouveret , Xiaocheng Zhu
Royal Australian Chemical Insititute Symposium
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Dominik Skoneczny
Royal Australian Chemical Insititute Symposium
Panayiotis Loukopoulos , John Broster , Sharon Nielsen , Jane Quinn
2018 European Weed Research Symposium
Jane Quinn , Adam Hamlin , Martin Combs , Gill Rogers
33rd Annual Meeting of the Australasian Neuroscience Society: ANS 2013
Myrna A Deseo , Jane Quinn , Simone Rochfort , Martin Combs
Metabolomics 2017: 13th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society
Jane Quinn , Simone Rochfort , Martin Combs , Priyanka Reddy
36th Annual Meeting of the Australasian Neuroscience Society: ANS 2016
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Russell Barrow
10th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants : ISOPP 10
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Dominik Skoneczny
10th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants : ISOPP 10
Maarten Van Den Buuse , German Spangenberg , Kathryn Guthridge , Jane Quinn
10th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants : ISOPP 10
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Saliya Gurusinghe
34th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Saliya Gurusinghe
Agilent LC/MS User Meeting
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston , Sajid Latif
Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Natural Product Chemistry group
Jane Quinn , Andrew Peters , Leslie Weston , Chloe A. Steventon
10th International Symposium on Poisonous Plants : ISOPP 10
Craig Stewart , Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie Weston
34th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Chemical Ecology
Jane Quinn , Paul Weston , Leslie A. Weston , Saliya Gurusinghe
2018 RACI Natural Products Chemistry one-day Symposium
Panayiotis Loukopoulos , Jane Quinn , Leslie Weston , Yuchi Chen
21st Australasian Weeds Conference 2018: Weed biosecurity - Protecting our future 312 -317
John Broster , Jane Quinn , Wayne Robinson , Paul Weston
21st Australasian Weeds Conference, "Weed Biosecurity - Protecting our Future", Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 9-13 September 2018 295 -299
John Broster , Sharon Nielsen , Jane Quinn , Paul Weston
Weed Research
Joanne Connolly , Jane Quinn , Seyed Ghorashi , Lynne Dufty
British Association of Animal Science 75th Annual Conference 2019: Fit for the Future