Robert Pitt , Shen-En Chen , Shirley Clark , Choo Keong Ong
Robert Pitt , Megan Otto , Adam Questad , Stacey Isaac
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 7 ( 4) 04021015 -04021015
Bishwodeep Adhikari , Alex Brown , Shirley Clark , Margaret Hoffman
Robert E Pitt , Shirley Clark , Keith Parmer , Richard Field
Robert Pitt , Brian Robertson , Patricia Barron , Ali Ayyoubi
US Environmental Protection Agency, Wet Weather Flow Management Program, National Risk Management Research Laboratory. EPA/600/R-99/017. Cincinnati, Ohio 505
Robert Pitt , Derek Williamson , Roger Bannerman , Shirley Clark
Effective modeling of urban water systems 465 -484
Pauline D Johnson , Robert Pitt , S Rocky Durrans , Matilda Urrutia
Water Environment Research Foundation 409 -418
Shirley Clark , Pauline Brown , Robert Pitt
Industrial Wastes (IW) Conference 2000 11 -34
Shirley Clark , Robert Pitt
CRC Press
Shirley Clark , Robert Pitt
Shirley Clark , Robert Pitt , Steven Burian , Richard Field
International Conference: Diffuse/Nonpoint Pollution and Watershed Management (IWA, 2001) 4 10 -10
Robert Pitt , Shirley Clark , Richard Field
Ground water/surface water interactions: AWRA 2002 Summer Specialty Conference proceedings: July 1-3, 2002, Keystone, Colorado 181 -181
Robert Pitt , Shirley Clark , John Voorhees
Conference CD. Urban Runoff Modeling Conference: Intelligent Modeling to Improve Stormwater Management, Engineering Conferences, International. Arcata, CA
D Woelkers , B Pitt , S Clark
Proceedings of StormCon 2006
Redahegn Sileshi , Robert Pitt , Shirley Clark , Chad Christian
Stormwater Symposium 2012
Redahegn Sileshi , Robert Pitt , Shirley Clark
ASCE/EWRI, Watershed 23 -27
Robert Pitt , Shirley Clark
Best Management Practices (BMP) Technology Symp.: Current and Future Directions 94 -125
Robert Pitt , Shen-En Chen , Choo Keong Ong , Shirley Clark
Linking Stormwater BMP designs and Performance to Receiving Water Impact Mitigation 534 -538
Robert Pitt , Brian Robertson , Patricia Barron , Ali Ayyoubi
Volume 1
Robert Pitt , Shirley Clark , Keith Parmer , Richard Field
US EPA Report