Women’s employment: the interplay between individual work preferences and country liberalism in 24 European countries.

Rense Nieuwenhuis , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää , Wouter Andringa
Dag van de Sociologie 2012

Innovatiekracht in Nederlandse gemeenten: naar een bestuurskundige onderzoeksagenda

Ariana Need , Wouter Jans , Sebastianus A.H. Denters , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää
Bestuurswetenschappen 67 ( 3) 21 -44

Gender equality, labour-market mobilisation, or social inclusion?: The European Social Agenda and policy discourses on reconciliation in Finland and the Netherlands

Mikael Nygard , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää
10th European ILERA Conference: Conference of the International Labour and Employment Relations Associations (ILERA)

Political attitude change: a closer look at the micro-level processes through (in)consistency experiments of the ESS Panel Component

Kees Aarts , Sedef Turper , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää
Vierde Nederlandse workshop European Social Survey: Change and Stability in Europe: proceedings vierde Nederlandse workshop European Social Survey - 27 september 2012 154 -156

Unemployment Protection Reform in Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, and the UK: Policy Learning through Open Coordination?

Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää , M Beckers
Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State ( 12) 61 -83

Le Fonds social europeen et la politique de l'emploi.

R. Verpoorten , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää , G Verschraegen , M Beckers
L'Europe en Belgique, la Belgique dans l'Europe. Configuration et appropriation des politiques sociales. 67 -78

Implementation networks for community-based care innovations in elderly care: A comparative study of China and the Netherlands

René Torenvlied , Yijia Jing , Lin Zhu , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää
2016 Annual ESPAnet Conference

The Europeanisation of Belgian Employment Policy and Labour Law

R. Verpoorten , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää , G Verschraegen , M Beckers
L'Europe en Belgique, la Belgique dans l'Europe. Configuration et appropriation des politiques sociales 54 -145

Equal Treatment, Labor Promotion, or Social Investment? Reconciliation Policy in Finnish and Dutch Coalition Programs 1995–2016

Mikael Nygard , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven-Haanpää
European Policy Analysis 3 ( 1) 125 -145

Encyclopedia of Public Policy

Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven , Christine Rothmayr Allison , Klaus Schubert
Springer, Cham

Social Dialogue in Defence of Vulnerable Groups in Post-COVID-19 Labour Markets: EU-Level Report

Chaitawat Boonjubun , Garima Singh , Minna Marja-Leena van Gerven

L’Europe en Belgique, la Belgique dans l’Europe. Configuration et appropriation des politiques sociales.

Yannick Vanderborght , Pierre-Paul Van Gehuchten , Bart Vanhercke , Gert Verschraegen
Rapport final du projet de recherche ETOS.be