Ziyad Ben Taleb , Linnea Laestadius
APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo (Nov. 4-Nov. 8)
Julia Vassey , Tom Valente , Joshua Barker , Cassandra Stanton
Tobacco Control
Linnea Laestadius
SAGE 573 -592
Lorraine Lathen , Linnea Laestadius
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 20 16094069211021713 -16094069211021713
Linnea Laestadius , Alice Witt
SAGE 581 -597
Haley Swartz , Linnea Laestadius
Routledge 49 -60
Susan Roberts , Thomas Forster , Linnea Laestadius , Rebecca Klein
Center for a Livable Future
Haley Swartz , Linnea Laestadius , KM Kevany
Plant-Based Diets for Succulence and Sustainability 49 -49
Linnea Laestadius
Michigan Journalof Public Affairs 6
Duo Yan , Xiaoyang Lv , Linnea Laestadius , Fernando A Wilson
Tobacco Induced Diseases 22
Ryan Patrick , Linnea Laestadius , Linda Kopecky
APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo (Nov. 4-Nov. 8)
Linnea Laestadius , Jennifer Kindt , Paul Auer
APHA 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo (Oct. 29-Nov. 2, 2016)
Linnea Laestadius
JP Fry , LI Laestadius , C Grechis , KE Nachman
PhD Linnea I Laestadius , PhD , MPP , Megan M Wahl
Nicotine & Tobacco Research 22 ( 10) 1823 -1830
Celeste Campos-Castillo , Brian Jason Thomas , Felipe Reyes , Linnea Irina Laestadius
JMIR Mental Health 8 ( 9) e26176 -e26176
Vijaya Tamla Rai , Linnea Irina Laestadius , Celeste Campos-Castillo
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 18 ( 1) 83 -83
Jennifer Fink , Linnea Laestadius MS
APHA's 2019 Annual Meeting and Expo (Nov. 2-Nov. 6)
Bernard F. Fuemmeler , Emily K. Vraga , Paul B. Perrin , Carrie A. Miller
Vaccine 39 ( 17) 2452 -2457
Linnea I. Laestadius , Kendall Penndorf , Melissa Seidl , Pallav Pokhrel
Health Education & Behavior 47 ( 4) 611 -618