G Singh , J Holty
Sleep 40
G Singh
BMJ 290 ( 6471) 857 -857
P L Jain , G Singh
Journal of Physics G 34 ( 1) 129 -138
G Singh
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 40 ( 5) 522 -544
G Singh
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 30 ( 6) 8 -9
G Singh , C S Wijesurendra , N Anand , A L Blackwell
Sexually Transmitted Infections 70 ( 4) 290 -291
G Singh , S M el-Gadi , R A Sparks
Sexually Transmitted Infections 71 ( 2) 130 -131
S M el-Gadi , G Singh , R A Sparks
Sexually Transmitted Infections 71 ( 3) 201 -201
D Sugak , I Syvorotka , O Buryy , U Yachnevych
microelectronics systems education 169 ( 1) 012019
S R Malik , G C Sood , G Gunguli , G Singh
British Journal of Ophthalmology 52 ( 2) 153 -156
G Singh , J S Mathur
British Journal of Ophthalmology 52 ( 1) 61 -63
N Nahdiyat , G Singh
Advanced Science Letters 24 ( 9) 6987 -6990
G Singh , D M Supp , C Schreiner , J McNeish
Genes & Development 5 ( 12) 2245 -2255
G Singh , C S Wijesurendra , R A Sparks , K A Johansen
International Journal of Std & Aids 3 ( 4) 297
B.R. Stripp , P.L. Sawaya , D.S. Luse , K.A. Wikenheiser
Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 ( 21) 14703 -14712
J Eng , W.A. Kleinman , L Singh , G Singh
Journal of Biological Chemistry 267 ( 11) 7402 -7405
S Bashir , G Singh , A Kumar
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta 37 ( 2) 83 -91
K Sengupta , G Singh , P. L Jain
EPL 5 ( 2) 135 -138
K Sengupta , G Singh , T Ritter , P. L Jain
EPL 8 ( 1) 15 -18
M Sgro , J Ray , D Jiang , R Shah
Paediatrics and Child Health 14