Andrew Inglis , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 23 ( 2) 82 -87
Ian Hamilton , Charlie Lloyd , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 23 ( 3) 148 -152
Paul Burland , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 23 ( 4) 185 -191
Julie Cropper , Maggie Shepherd , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 22 ( 2) 70 -76
Helen Sweeting , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 22 ( 3) 150 -153
Stephen Phillips , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 22 ( 4) 196 -200
Naomi Holman , Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 22 ( 5) 258 -263
Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 22 ( 7) 374 -374
Anne Phillips
Practice Nursing 22 ( 7) 362 -369
Anne Phillips
Oxford University Press 57 -84
Anne Phillips
Cahiers du Genre 33 ( 2) 43 -61
Anne Phillips
Ethnicities 5 ( 2) 271 -274
Anne Phillips
Journal of Political Philosophy 8 ( 2) 279 -293
Anne Phillips
Macmillan Education UK 111 -129
Anne Phillips
Palgrave Macmillan, London 143 -156
Anne Phillips
Alternative Conceptions of Civil Society 71 -89
Anne Phillips
British Journal of Healthcare Management 25 ( 7) 218 -222
Anne Phillips
Nurse Prescribing 14 ( 2) 76 -80
Anne Phillips
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 219 -227
Anne Phillips
The British Journal of Politics and International Relations 2 ( 2) 237 -255