Clasificación automática de preguntas en español en el dominio de comercio electrónico usando una red neuronal convolucional

Melissa A. De-León-Barrón , Ana B. Rios-Alvarado , Tania Y. Guerrero-Melendez , Heidy M. Marin-Castro
Research in Computing Science 152 ( 7) 63 -75

A Technological Solution to Provide Integrated and Process-Oriented Care Services in Healthcare Organizations

Edgar Tello-Leal , Pablo David Villarreal , Omar Chiotti , Ana Bertha Rios-Alvarado
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 ( 4) 1508 -1518

A Classification of Challenges in the Semantic Web Based on the General Architecture

Jose Lazaro Martinez-Rodriguez , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo , Ana Bertha Rios-Alvarado
database and expert systems applications 197 -201

Enfoque para la Gestión del Conocimiento derivado de Colaboraciones Inter-organizacionales Dinámicas utilizando ontologías.

Tania Y Guerrero-Meléndez , Edgar Tello-Leal , Vicente P Saldivar-Alonso , Luis de la Cruz Llopis

The management and transfer of knowledge about corn in Mexico through the development of domain ontologies: a current challenge

Tania Y Guerrero Meléndez , Ana Bertha Ríos Alvarado , Ramon Ventura Roque Hernández , Vicente Paul Saldívar Alonso
Dilemas contemporáneos: educación, política y valores 8 ( 2)

An Approach for Knowledge Graph Construction from Spanish Texts.

Tania Yukary Guerrero-Meléndez , José-Lázaro Martínez-Rodríguez , Ana B. Ríos-Alvarado , Edgar Tello-Leal
Res. Comput. Sci. 149 9 -17

Ontology learning from text: Method for learning axioms

Ivan Lopez-Arevalo , Ana Rios-Alvarado