Edgar Tello Leal , Gerardo Romero Galván , Heidy Marisol Marín Castro , Jaciel David Hernández Reséndiz
Pistas Educativas 41 ( 133)
Thomas Deselaers , Allan Hanbury , Ville Viitaniemi , András Benczúr
Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval: 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007, Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21, 2007, Revised Selected Papers 8 445 -471
Heidy Marisol Marin-Castro , Edgar Tello-Leal
Expert Systems With Applications 174 114662
Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Melissa Hinojosa Cabello , Heidy Marisol Marin-Castro , Jose Luis Gonzalez Compean
IEEE Access 8 170101 -170116
Jaciel David Hernandez-Resendiz , Edgar Tello-Leal , Heidy Marisol Marin-Castro , Ulises Manuel Ramirez-Alcocer
Springer International Publishing 3 -26
Heidy Marin-Castro , Enrique Sucar , Eduardo Morales
iberoamerican congress on pattern recognition 487 -495
Dante D Sanchez-Gallegos , JL Gonzalez-Compean , Jesus Carretero , Heidy Marin-Castro
2053 -2064
Marco Nuño-Maganda , Hiram Herrera-Rivas , Cesar Torres-Huitzil , Heidy Marisol Marín-Castro
Sensors 18 ( 7) 2202
IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 ( 8) 1229 -1236
Heidy M Marin-Castro , Edgar Tello-Leal
Applied Sciences 11 ( 22) 10556
Heidy M Marin-Castro , Jose Torres-Jimenez , Diana I Escalona-Vargas
DBKDA 2012 20 ( 21) 88 -88
Dante D Sanchez-Gallegos , JL Gonzalez-Compean , Jesus Carretero , Heidy M Marin-Castro
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 16 ( 2) 1334 -1345
Dante D Sánchez-Gallegos , JL Gonzalez-Compean , Victor J Sosa-Sosa , Heidy M Marin-Castro
Miguel Morales-Sandoval , José A Molina , Heidy M Marin-Castro , Jose Luis Gonzalez-Compean
PeerJ Computer Science 7 e731 -e731
Melissa Brigitthe Hinojosa-Cabello , Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Heidy M Marin-Castro
2022 IEEE Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC) 1 -8
Julio Hernandez , Heidy M Marin-Castro , Miguel Morales-Sandoval
IEEE Access 9 115664 -115675
Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Heidy M Marin-Castro , JL Gonzalez-Compean
Programming and Computer Software 47 ( 8) 849 -857
Hector A de la Fuente-Anaya , Heidy M Marin-Castro , Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Jose Juan Garcia-Hernandez
Computing 1 -23
Shanel Reyes-Palacios , Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Jose Juan Garcia-Hernandez , Heidy M Marin-Castro
2023 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC) 1 -8
Heidy M Marin-Castro , A Héctor , Miguel Morales-Sandoval , Ana B Rıos-Alvarado