Jaciel D Hernández Reséndiz , Marco A Nuño Maganda , Heidy M Marin-Castro , Said Polanco Martagón
HM Marin-Castro , PE Franco-Vázquez
Universidad Politécnica de Victoria, Av. Nuevas Tecnologías 5902 1 -9
Thomas DeselaersRWTH , Allan HanburyPRIP , Ville ViitaniemiHUT , András BenczúrBUDAC
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Victor J. Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
international conference on information fusion 1 -8
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Victor J. Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
international conference on next generation web services practices 233 -237
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Jaciel D. Hernandez-Resendiz , Hugo J. Escalante-Balderas , Luis Pellegrin
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 ( 18) 26263 -26285
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Victor J. Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
Advances in Soft Computing 297 -306
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Victor J. Sosa-Sosa , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo , Hugo Jair Escalante-Baldera
Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition 340 -351
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Victor J. Sosa Sosa
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 49 ( 3) 367 -390
Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Victor J. Sosa-Sosa , Jose F. Martinez-Trinidad , Ivan Lopez-Arevalo
intelligent information systems 40 ( 1) 85 -108
Julio Hernandez , Heidy M. Marin-Castro , Miguel Morales-Sandoval
Applied Sciences 10 ( 11) 3837
Julian Stöttinger , Nicu Sebe , Steven C.H. Hoi , Thomas Deselaers
Heidy Marisol Marin Castro , Victor Sosa Sosa , Marco Aurelio Nuno Maganda
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 ( 2) 574 -584
Heidy Marisol Marin Castro
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
Heidy-Marisol Marin-Castro , Miguel Morales-Sandoval , L Enrique Sucar , Eduardo F Morales
International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval 1
J Martínez-Trinidad , J Ochoa , Josef Kittler ,
Proceedings of 11th Iberoamerican Congress in Pattern Recognition, CIARP Cancun, Mexico