The Influence of Web Quality on Client’s Internet Banking Adoption Mediated by Perceived Ease of Use on Bank Jatim Surabaya

Eriet Erawati , Nurul Aini , Joko Suyono , Damarsari Ratnasahara
IJEBD (International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Business Development) 3 ( 3) 337 -343

Zakat as an Instrument of Tax Receipts (Interpretive Study on Zakat and Tax Receipts

Ibnu Fajarudin , Rony Wardhana , Rudi Harianto , Nurul Aini
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Islamic Finance and Technology, CIFET, 21 September, Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia

The Pharmaceutical Availability of Gambier Leaves Bioactive Fraction Coated Tablet in Simulated Human Body Fluids

Indah Sulistyowati , Nanang Yunarto , Nurul Aini , Kelik M Arifin
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia 94 -101

Aktivitas Antioksidan serta Penghambatan HMG CoA dan Lipase dari Kombinasi Ekstrak Daun Binahong-Rimpang Temu Lawak

Nanang Yunarto , Nurul Aini , Intan Sari Oktoberia , Indah Sulistyowati
Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia 89 -96

Identification and characterization drought tolerance of gene LEA-D11 soybean (glycine max L. Merr) based on PCR-sequencing

Evika Sandi Savitri , Nur Basuki , Nurul Aini , Estri Laras Arumingtyas
American Journal of Molecular Biology 3 ( 1) 32 -37

Teknologi Tepat Guna “Mekutus” Guna Mengurangi Resiko Pemasakan Telur Asin

Hardo Wahyudi , Nurleila Jum’ati , Nurul Aini ,
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR) 2 1189 -1196

Multimedia Development using Adobe Flash on Grading Course in Fashion Design Education Program

Nurul Aini , Agus Hery Supadmi Irianti , Idah Hadijah
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICOVET 2018) 47 -50

Improving of Kidney Bean Production by Plant Spacing in Two Different Altitudes at South Central Timor Regency, Indonesia

I Komang Sudarma , Nurul Aini , Karuniawan Puji Wicaksosno
Journal of Biological Sciences 15 ( 4) 268 -273

Multiple Keyword Searching Method Implementation for Data Searching on Data Center Application at P4M Stmik Dipanegara Makassar

Ahyuna , Sitti Aisa , Asmah Akhriana , Nurul Aini
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 17 ( 2) 975 -979

The Worthiness of Adobe Flash Multimedia in Grading Course‘s Fashion Design Program of Malang State University

Nurul Aini , Agus Hery Supadmi Irianti , Idah Hadijah
Research, Society and Development 8 ( 11) 078111433

Neologi Istilah Politik Dalam Bahasa Arab Modern Kajian Morfologi

Nurul Aini ,
Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab 2 ( 2) 103 -120

The Influence of Product Innovation on the Purchasing Interest of Handmade Fashion

Nurul Hidayati , Agus Sunandar , Nurul Aini
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Applied Science, and Technology in Home Economics (ICONHOMECS 2019) 161 -169

The Development of Adobe Premiere-Based Learning Media in Moodboard Making Material in SMKN 3 Malang

Ari Aprilia , Nurul Aini , Sri Eko Puji Rahayu ,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Applied Science, and Technology in Home Economics (ICONHOMECS 2019) 245 -247

Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Ethyl Acetate Fraction From Uncaria Gambir Leaves Through the Inhibition of Edema, COX-2 and iNOS Expression

Nanang Yunarto , Putri Reno Intan , Arifayu Addiena Kurniatri , Indah Sulistyowati
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Health Research (ISHR 2019) 108 -112

How the position of trees planting can improve the near-road air quality exposed to CO2 emission from transportation

Nurul Aini , Zhenjiang Shen
International Journal of Sustainable Society 12 ( 4) 291

Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis Android Pada Mata Pelajaran Jaringan Dasar

Nurul Aini , Rasyid Hardi Wirasasmita , Muhammad Zamroni Uska
EDUMATIC: Jurnal Pendidikan Informatika 2 ( 1) 34 -41

The Effect of Tree Planting within Roadside Green Space on Dispersion of CO2 from Transportation

Nurul Aini , Zhenjiang Shen
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 7 ( 4) 97 -112

The planning and design of residential facilities in poor areas with limited land (A case study of Muharto residential area along the Brantas River, Malang, Indonesia)

Pindo Tutuko , Edi Subagijo , Nurul Aini
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development 6 ( 3) 22 -36