The value of fecal tumor M2 pyruvate kinase as a diagnostic tool for colorectal cancer screening.

Marcellus Simadibrata , Murdani Abdullah , Ari Fahrial Syam , Achmad Fauzi
Acta medica Indonesiana 44 ( 2) 94 -99

Molecular mechanism on healing process of peptic ulcer.

Septelia Inawati Wanandi , Mohammad Sadikin , Ari Fahrial Syam , Abdul Aziz Rani
Acta medica Indonesiana 41 ( 2) 95 -98

Diagnosis and management of chronic diarrhea.

Marcellus Simadibrata , Ari Fahrial Syam
Acta medica Indonesiana 36 ( 4) 228 -238

Microorganisms and parasites in chronic infective diarrhea.

Daldiyono , Iwan Ariawan , Vera Yuwono , Marcellus Simadibrata
Acta medica Indonesiana 36 ( 4) 211 -214

Tips and tricks in writing review article.

Ari Fahrial Syam
Acta medica Indonesiana 39 ( 3) 143 -144

Obesity as a Risk Factor of Erosive Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Hotmen Sijabat , Marcellus Simadibrata , Ari Fahrial Syam , Abdul Aziz Rani
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 11 ( 2) 61 -65

Chronic Diarrhea Due to Intestinal Amyloidosis

Ening Krisnuhoni , Marcellus Simadibrata , Ari Fahrial Syam , Lydia D Simatupang
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 6 ( 3) 91 -94

The Role of Esophageal pH-metri Test on Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease Diagnosis

Chudahman Manan , Dadang Makmun , Katharina Setyawati , Marcellus Simadibrata
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 9 ( 3) 91 -97

Post-Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography Complications at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital

Dadang Makmun , Marcellus Simadibrata , Ari Fahrial Syam , Achmad Fauzi
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 10 ( 2) 41 -45

Hemobilia after 49-days Accidental Hepatic Trauma and Twice Perihepatic Packing

Sumaryono Sumaryono , Gunawanjati Sudrajat , Dedy Gunawanjati Sudrajat , Ari Fahrial Syam
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 10 ( 2) 85 -89

Current Diagnosis and Management of Helicobacter Pylori

Nikko Darnindro , Ari Fahrial Syam
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 14 ( 3) 165 -173

Upper Gastrointestinal Malignancy among Dyspepsia Patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta

Chudahman Manan , Dadang Makmun , Ali Imron Yusuf , Marcellus Simadibrata
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 10 ( 3) 92 -95

The Pathogenic Triad of Chronic Cough: Postnasal Drip Syndrome, Asthma, and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Wulyo Rajabto , Ari Fahrial Syam , Heru Sundaru
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 8 ( 1) 20 -23

Hematochezia in Young Patient Due to Crohn’s Disease

Dadang Makmun , Marcellus Simadibrata , Ari Fahrial Syam , Anna Mira Lubis
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 7 ( 2) 54 -56

Management of Gastric Varices

Marcellus Simadibrata , Lusy Erawati , Ari Fahrial Syam
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 5 ( 2) 62 -67

A 17-Years Old Man of Colitis Tuberculosis with Fistula Perianal

Daldiyono Daldiyono , Chudahman Manan , Ening Krisnuhoni , Dadang Makmun
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 9 ( 3) 103 -106

Management of Duodenal Ulcer with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) with Intravenous Pantoprazole

Daldiyono Hardjodisasto , Chudahman Manan , Dadang Makmun , Marcellus Simadibrata
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 4 ( 1) 26 -28

Management of Constipation

Marcellus Simadibrata , Murdani Abdullah , Ari Fahrial Syam , Toman L Toruan
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 6 ( 1) 16 -21

Management of Paralytic Ileus

Elizabeth Merry Wintery , Chudahman Manan , Marcellus Simadibrata , Ari Fahrial Syam
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy 4 ( 3) 80 -88