The greenhouse gas exchange responses of methane and nitrous oxide to forest change in Europe.

P Gundersen , JR Christiansen , G Alberti , N Brüggemann
Biogeosciences Discussions 9 ( 5)

Biochar: A Regional Supply Chain Approach in View of Climate Change Mitigation

Gerhard Soja , Elena Anders , Jannis Bücker , Sonja Feichtmair
Cambridge University Press 291 -314

Economic assessment in the ACRP-Project FarmCLIM

T Moser , J Kantelhardt , L Schaller , B Amon
Proceedings of the ÖGA 141 -142

Biochar application to temperate soils-effects on soil fertility and crop yield

Stefanie Kloß , F Zehetner , Sonja Feichtmair , Bernhard Wimmer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 6432 -6432

Farming for a better climate by improving nitrogen use efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions (FarmClim)

Barbara Amon , S Zechmeister-Boltenstern , M Kasper , W Winiwarter
Emissionsof Gasand Dust from Livestock 163 -163

Modelling mitigation of Austrian nitrogen emissions: ecological and economic considerations.

B Amon , S Zechmeister-Boltenstern , M Kasper , E Sigmund
361 -362

Was kann Biokohle außer Kohlenstoff zu binden? Wirtschaftlichkeitsüberlegungen beim Einsatz von Biokohle in der Landwirtschaft

Gerhard Soja , Bernhard Wimmer , Jasmin Karer , Jannis Bücker
ALVA-Jahrestagung 2014 75 -77

Biochar affects the structure of microbial communities in temperate soils rather than total microbial biomass

Andrea Watzinger , Elena Anders , Franziska Rempt , Gerhard Soja
Biochars, Composts and Digestates. Production, Characterization, Regulation, Marketing, Uses and Environmental Impact"(BCD 2013)

Biokohle als Bodenzuschlagsstoff: Nährstoffverfügbarkeit und Ertragsauswirkungen.

Gerhard Soja , Stefanie Kloß , Bernhard Wimmer , Andrea Watzinger
67. ALVA-Tagung: Lehr-und Forschungszentrum für Gartenbau Schönbrunn 177 -179

Does biochar application to soil improve soil nutrient status and plant yield?

Stefanie Kloß , F Zehetner , Sonja Feichtmair , Bernhard Wimmer
3rd CASEE Conference: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production in the Danube Region.

Short term biochar degradation in a 13C natural abundance experiment by measuring 13CO2, 13Corg and 13C PLFAs in the soil

Andrea Watzinger , Sonja Feichtmair , Micha Horacek , B Kitzler
SINA-Stable Isotope Network Austria, 11th Stable Isotope Network Meeting

Effects of biochar amendment on soil greenhouse gas fluxes in agricultural soils

B Kitzler , Michaela Klinglmüller , Kerstin Michel , Jannis Bücker
4th International Congress Eurosoil 2012

Biochar as yield promoter for agricultural crops? Conjectures and observations

Gerhard Soja , Stefanie Kloß , Jasmin Karer , B Kitzler
1st FOREBIOM workshop. ÖAW 17 -17

Yield performance of mustard and barley in biochar-amended soils at different nitrogen levels

Gerhard Soja , Stefanie Kloß , Jannis Bücker , Franziska Rempt
European Biochar Symposium 2011

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Shallow Steppe Lake: Case Study Lake Neusiedl

Gerhard Soja , Anna-Maria Soja , B Kitzler
EULAKES Science Day

Quantification of Biochar degraddation and identification of degrading microbial groups in 13C natural abundance experiments

Sonja Feichtmair , Andrea Watzinger , Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstein , F Zehetner
Jahrestagung der ÖBG-Ökosystemleistungen des Bodens

Biochar amendment and its effect on soil greenhouse gas fluxes

Michaela Klinglmüller , B Kitzler , Jannis Bücker , Bernhard Wimmer
European Biochar Symposium 2011

Effects of biochar on leachate Characteristics in a micro-lysimeter experiment with a sandy soil (planosoil)

Jannis Bücker , Bernhard Wimmer , Stefanie Kloß , Franziska Rempt
European Biochar Symposium 2011