Thermal effects and other interesting issues with CPV lenses

Stephen Askins , Gabriel Sala Pano , Ignacio Anton Hernandez , Marta Victoria Pérez
Photovoltaic Module Reliability Workshop (PVMRW) 2012 | Photovoltaic Module Reliability Workshop (PVMRW) 2012 | 01/03/2012 | Golden, CO, USA

Spectrum Controlled Solar Simulation for Factory Testing of CPV modules

Gabriel Sala Pano , César Domínguez Domínguez , Ignacio Anton Hernandez
Proceedings of the 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference | The 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference | 1/09/08-5/09/08 | Valencia, España

Sistema fotovoltaico de alta eficiencia para tejado

Stephen Askins , Ignacio Antón Hernández , César Domínguez Domínguez
Energética XXI, ISSN 1577-7855, 2019-03, Vol. XIX, No. 184

Environmental and economic LCI of a micro-CPV module

Norman Jost , F. Gutiérrez , César Domínguez Domínguez , Guillermo San Miguel Alfaro
CEST2019: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology | 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST 2019) | 4/09/2019-7/09/2019 | Rodas, Grecia

Indoor characterization at production sccale: 200 kWp of CPV solar simulator measurements

Juan Pablo Ferrer Rodríguez , María Martínez , Pablo Jesús Trujillo Serrano , Francisca Rubio

Spectral uniqueness of solar spectra and suitability of SMRs as spectral index

Rubén Nuñez Júdez , Ignacio Antón Hernández , Rebeca Herrero Martín , Marta Victoria Pérez
Ies 1 -1

Power rating based on two different spectroheliometers with lattice-matched (LM) and upright metamorphic (UMM) component solar cells

César Domínguez Domínguez , Rebeca Herrero Martin , Rubén Núñez Júdez , Ignacio Antón Hernández
AIP Conference Proceedings 1679 100002 -1

Optimizing CPV Systems for Thermal and Spectral Tolerance

Stephen Askins , Marta Victoria Pérez , Rebeca Herrero Martin , César Domínguez Domínguez
world conference on photovoltaic energy conversion 194 -198

High efficiency roof-top solar: progress and pilot installation in the HIPERION project

Stephen Askins , Guido Vallerotto , Cesar Dominguez Dominguez , Gael Nardin
AIP Conference Proceedings 2841 ( 1)

Progress and Demonstration of Micro-CPV Module with Integrated Planar Tracking and Diffuse Light Collection

Steve A Askins , Guido Vallerotto , Cesar Dominguez Dominguez , Mathilde Duchemin
Ies 0629 -0629

Experimental Characterization of Micro-Optics for Integrated Tracking Included in HIPERION micro-CPV Modules

Guido Vallerotto , Norman Jost , Gael Nardin , Mathieu Ackermann
AIP Conference Proceedings 2841 ( 1)

CPV Spectral Monitoring using Mlti-Junction cells as sensors

Stephen Askins , Rubén Nuñez Judez , Ignacio Anton Hernández , Marta Victoria Pérez
Ies 1 -7

Expanding PVLIB Python for Modeling Static CPV Systems

Marcos Moreno , Inia Steinbach , Sabine Haas , Stephen Alex Askins
Ies 1 -2

Progress and Demonstration of Micro-CPV Module with Integrated Planar Tracking and Diffuse Light Collection

Stephen Alex Askins , Guido Vallerotto , Cesar Dominguez Dominguez , Mathilde Duchemin
Ies 0629 -0629

Indoor characterization of multi-junction solar cells under non uniform light patterns

R Herrero , M Victoria , S Askins , C Domi´ nguez
AIP conference proceedings 1277 ( 1) 36 -36

Fluidreflex concentrator: from elementary unit to module

M Victoria , S Askins , C Domi´ nguez , I Anto´ n
AIP Conference Proceedings-American Institute of Physics 1407 ( 1) 253 -253

Solar simulator for concentrator photovoltaic systems

César Domínguez , Ignacio Antón , Gabriel Sala
Optics Express 16 ( 19) 14894 -14901

Antireflective coatings for multijunction solar cells under wide-angle ray bundles

Marta Victoria , César Domínguez , Ignacio Antón , Gabriel Sala
Optics Express 20 ( 7) 8136 -8147

Assessing the suitability of metal-wrap-through solar cells for low-concentration PV systems

César Domínguez , Gonzalo Puertas , Alberto Sanchidrián , Rafael Cascón
AIP Conference Proceedings, ISSN 0094-243X, 2018, Vol. 2012 2012 ( 1) 040002