Intercalated multi-layer graphene interconnects with low resistivity

Daiyu Kondo , Haruhisa Nakano , Bo Zhou , Kenjiro Hayashi
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Dependence of field effect mobility of CVD graphene on its grain size

Katsunori Yagi , Ayaka Yamada , Kenjiro Hayashi , Naoki Harada

Efficient CVD Graphene Transfer Techniques by using Oxide Passivations

Junichi Yamaguchi , Kenjiro Hayashi , Shintaro Sato , Naoki Yokoyama

Annealing Condition Optimization of Sputtered Amorphous Carbon for Large-grain, Multi-layer Graphene

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Daiyu Kondo , Shintaro Sato , Katsunori Yagi , Naoki Harada

Electrical properties of carbon nanotubes grown at a low temperature by radical chemical vapor deposition for future LSI interconnects

YOKOYAMA Daisuke , ISHIMARU Kentaro , IWASAKI Takayuki , SATO Shintaro
Extended abstracts of the... Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials 2007 56 -57