Gennady Baranovskii , Kuchin Ilia , Dranev Yury , Chulok Alexander
Research Papers in Economics
Dranev Yakov , Chulok Alexander , Simachev Yury , Interdepartmental Analytical Center
The 4th International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis
Oleg V. Ena , Alexander A. Chulok , Sergey A. Shashnov
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 119 268 -279
B Kuznetsov , M Kuzyk , Yu Simachev , S Tsukhlo
Inter-Departmental Analytical Centre, Moscow 19
A Sokolov , A Chulok , VR Mesropyan , SA Shash-nov
Innovations ( 12) 34 -43
A Chulok
University West
A Ponomarev , A Chulok , E Borisova
Мoscow: Interdepartmental Analytical Centre
Alexander Chulok , Oleg Ena , Nina Belyaeva , Dmitry Zaytsev
Public Administration Issues ( 1) 103 -128
Alexander Sokolov , Alexander Chulok
Futures 80 17 -32
Yury Dranev , Alexander Chulok
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 101 ( 1) 320 -327
Alexander Sokolov , Vladimir Mesropyan , Alexander Chulok
Technovation 34 ( 7) 389 -391
Alexander Chulok
Deploying Foresight for Policy and Strategy Makers 125 -143
Ilya F. Kuzminov , Thomas Thurner , Alexander Chulok
Foresight 19 ( 3) 291 -305
Ozcan Saritas , Yury Dranev , Alexander Chulok
Foresight 19 ( 5) 473 -490
Alexander Chulok , Svetlana N. Slobodianik , Evgeny Moiseichev
Foresight 19 ( 5) 511 -527
Leonid Gokhberg , Alexander Sokolov , Alexander Chulok
Foresight 19 ( 5) 441 -456
Pavel Bakhtin , Ozcan Saritas , Alexander Chulok , Ilya Kuzminov
Scientometrics 111 ( 3) 2059 -2075
Alexander Giglavy , Alexander Sokolov , Gulnara Abdrakhmanova , Alexander Chulok
Foresight and STI Governance 7 ( 3) 6 -24
Leonid Gokhberg , Ilya Kuzminov , Pavel Bakhtin , Elena Khabirova
Higher School of Economics Research Paper No. WP BRP 76
Alexander Chulok , Maxim Kotsemir , Yadviga Radomirova , Sergey Shashnov
foresight 26 ( 2) 365 -391