Michael Cook , Constantine Iliopoulos
GSBE Marketing-Finance Symposium of
Constantine Iliopoulos
3rd International Conference on the Economics and Management of Networks, Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Erasmus University
Constantine Iliopoulos
RECMA 369 ( 3) 64 -83
Constantine Iliopoulos
Beiträge der genossenschaftlichen Selbsthilfe zur wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Entwicklung [Contributions of cooperative self-help to economic and social development]. Berlin: LIT Verlag 627 -642
Vladislav Valentinov , Constantine Iliopoulos
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Constantine Iliopoulos , Maryline Filippi
RECMA 369 ( 3) 25 -30
Constantine Iliopoulos , Patricia Toucas-Truyen
Revue internationale de l'économie sociale ( 3) 64 -83
Constantine Iliopoulos , Maryline Filippi
RECMA 369 ( 3) 25 -30
Eugenia Petropoulou , Theo Benos , Irini Theodorakopoulou , Constantine Iliopoulos
Opus Journal Demo 11 ( 2) 182 -195
Eugenia Petropoulou , Theo Benos , Irini Theodorakopoulou , Constantine Iliopoulos
Constantine Iliopoulos
RECMA 364 ( 2) 144 -155
Constantine Iliopoulos
Revue internationale de l'économie sociale ( 2) 144 -155
Constantine Iliopoulos , Rando Värnik , Maryline Filippi , Liis Võlli
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 7 100093 -100093
Constantine Iliopoulos
Eesti Maaülikool
Maria Crescimanno , Antonino Galati , Salvatore Tinervia , Constantine Iliopoulos
10th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business
Constantine Iliopoulos
International Journal of the Commons 6 ( 1) 72 -74
Constantine Iliopoulos , Michael L Cook
Michael L Cook , Constantine Iliopoulos
Institutions, Contracts, and Organizations: Perspectives from New Institutional Economics 335 -335
Ole Gjolberg , Marie Steen , AbigailM Hind , JeffreyS Royer
Jos Bijman , Constantine Iliopoulos , Krijn J Poppe
(No Title)