Hugh B. Feeley , Catherine Bradley , Gary Free , Bryan Kennedy
Scientific Data 7 ( 1) 280 -280
Shane O’Boyle , Glenn Nolan
Biology and Environment-proceedings of The Royal Irish Academy 110 ( 3) 195 -209
Gary Free , Mariano Bresciani , Wayne Trodd , Deirdre Tierney
Hydrobiologia 847 ( 6) 1423 -1438
Shane O’Boyle , Georgina McDermott , Joe Silke , Caroline Cusack
Harmful Algae 53 77 -85
Michelle Devlin , Mike Best , Deborah Coates , Eileen Bresnan
Marine Pollution Bulletin 55 ( 1) 91 -103
Shane O’Boyle , Georgina McDermott , Robert Wilkes
Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 ( 11) 1657 -1663
Shane O’Boyle
CRC Press 41 -67
Shane O’Boyle , Georgina McDermott , Tone Noklegaard , Robert Wilkes
Estuaries and Coasts 36 ( 1) 158 -173
Sorcha Ní Longphuirt , Shane O’Boyle , Robert Wilkes , Tomasz Dabrowski
Estuaries and Coasts 39 ( 2) 478 -494
David Styles , Phillip O’Brien , Shane O’Boyle , Peter Cunningham
Environmental Science & Policy 12 ( 3) 226 -242
Shane O’Boyle , W Trodd , C Bradley , D Tierney
Environmental Protection Agency, Wexford
Suzanne Painting , Jo Foden , Rodney Forster , Johan van der Molen
Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership Science Review, Lowestoft, UK 219 -235
Sorcha Ni Longphuirt , Georgina McDermott , Shane O’Boyle , Robert Wilkes
Research and Management of Eutrophication in Coastal Ecosystems
Shane O’Boyle , Robert Wilkes , Georgina McDermott , Tone Noklegaard
WATER QUALITY IN IRELAND 2007-2009 105 -105
Sorcha Ní Longphuirt , Shane O’Boyle , Robert Wilkes , Georgina McDermott
Wayne Trodd , Shane O’Boyle
Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Shane O’Boyle , Robert Wilkes , Georgina McDermott , Tone Noklegaard
105 -126
Shane O’Boyle
Coastal and Deep Ocean Pollution
Shane O’Boyle , Georgina McDermott
John Keogh , Robert Wilkes , Shane O'Boyle
Marine Pollution Bulletin 151 110802