On the computational modeling of FSW processes

Guillermo Lombera , Narges Dialami , Diego Santiago , Michele Chiumenti
Finite Plasticity and Visco-plasticity of Conventional and Emerging Materials 1 -3

Structural assessment of Mallorca Cathedral

Roberto Clemente , Michele Chiumenti , Pedro Roca Fabregat , Luca Pelà
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions 359 -367

Advances in the numerical simulation of 3D FSW processes

Guillermo Lombera , Narges Dialami , Diego Santiago , Michele Chiumenti
Macro to Nano-scale Inelastic Deformation and Failure of Materials and Multi-scale Modeling 1 -3

A strategy for the numerical simulation of metal deposition and multi-pass welding processes

Narges Dialami , Michele Chiumenti , Miguel Cervera Ruiz , Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch
Computational plasticity X : fundamentals and applications : proceedings of the tenth International Conference on Computational Plasticity held in Barcelona, Spain, 2th-4th September 2009 1 -4

Modelizacion de las condiciones de envasado en productos de IV gama a partir de la piña

María Isabel Achaerandio Puente , Francesc Sepulcre Sánchez , Michele Chiumenti , Sheila Benítez
VI Congreso Español de Ingeniería de Alimentos 211 -211

Clúster Agro@limentari: Exposició de treballs

Óscar Casas Piedrafita , Jorge Olivella , Miguel Sánchez Soto , Michele Chiumenti

Formulación estabilizada de elementos finitos triangulares y tetraédricos para problemas de incompresibilidad en deformaciones infinitesimales

Quino Martín Valverde Guzmán , Michele Chiumenti , Miguel Cervera Ruiz , Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch
Revista Internacional De Metodos Numericos Para Calculo Y Diseno En Ingenieria 21 ( 4) 345 -364

Computational modeling of multi-pass welding and metal deposition processes

Narges Dialami , Michele Chiumenti , Miguel Cervera Ruiz , Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch
12th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming 1 -4

Modelado termomecánico del proceso de Friction stir welding utilizando la geometría real de la herramienta

Guillermo Lombera , Santiago Urquiza , Diego Santiago , Michele Chiumenti
Revista Internacional De Metodos Numericos Para Calculo Y Diseno En Ingenieria 26 ( 4) 293 -303

Local and global approaches to Friction Stir Welding

Michele Chiumenti , Miguel Cervera Ruiz , Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch , Narges Dialamishabankareh
International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)

Torsion and bending failure of skew notched beams: 3D numerical modelling of quasi brittle materials with the mixed strain-displacement FEM

Miguel Cervera , Michele Chiumenti , Lorenzo Benedetti
COMPLAS 2017. XIV International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications

Towards a unified solution of localization failure with mixed finite elements

Miguel Cervera , Michele Chiumenti , Jan-Thomas Fischer , Lorenzo Benedetti
European geosciences union general assembly 7862

High-fidelity numerical analysis of experimental tests on concrete specimens via mixed strain-displacement FE

Miguel Cervera , Michele Chiumenti , Lorenzo Benedetti
CMN 2017 - Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering

Encompassing incompressibility and strain localization in plasticity with mixed FE

Lorenzo Benedetti , Miguel Cervera , Michele Chiumenti , R Codina
WCCM - XII World Conference on Computational Mechanics 2014

Momentos de inercia: problemas resueltos

Michele Chiumenti
International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)

On the orthogonal subgrid scale pressure stabilization of small and finite deformation J2 Plasticity

Carlos Agelet de Saracibar , Miguel Cervera , Michele Chiumenti , Quino Valverde
Monograph Series on Computational Modeling of Forming Processes, editor C. Agelet

Numerical modeling of the AM process by metal deposition and its experimental validation

Santiago Badia , Miguel Cervera , Michele Chiumenti , Emilio Salsi
Simulation for Additive Manufacturing, Sinam 2017

Stress accurate framework for the numerical simulation of FSW processes

Michele Chiumenti , Miguel Cervera Ruiz , Carlos Agelet de Saracibar Bosch , Narges Dialamishabankareh
10th International Symposium on Friction Stir Welding 2014 603 -620

Desarrollo de un software metálico intravascular

Maurizio Bordone , Eduardo Soudah Prieto , Eugenio Oñate Ibáñez de Navarra , Michele Chiumenti