W. Brandauer , O. Dutta , A. Mohamed , C. Tandoi
W. Brandauer , K. Kock , C. Wakolbinger , L. Fickert
22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013) 1186 -1186
C. Wakolbinger , M. Schwingshackl , W. Brandauer , L. Fickert
22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013) 1180 -1180
Ernst Schmautzer , Christian Wakolbinger , Lothar Fickert , Werner Brandauer
International Conference on Next Generation Networks and Services 100 -105
Ernst Schmautzer , Lothar Fickert , Werner Brandauer
TU Brno - Abhaltung Vorlesung
Werner Brandauer , Helmut Antrekowitsch , Christian Helmenstein , Peter Moser
Christian Wakolbinger , Lothar Fickert , Hans Michael Muhr , Gernot Nischler
Lothar Fickert , Gernot Nischler , Herwig Renner , Werner Brandauer
8. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien 1 -20
Ernst Schmautzer , Lothar Fickert , Werner Brandauer , Maria Aigner
1st Smart Grid International Forum
Ernst Schmautzer , Lothar Fickert , Werner Brandauer
Smart Grids Week 2011
Werner Brandauer , Klaus Kock , Christian Wakolbinger , Lothar Fickert
international youth conference on energy 1 -5
Mahmoud Saleh , Yusef Esa , Yassine Mhandi , Werner Brandauer
ieee industry applications society annual meeting 1 -7
Mahdiyeh Khodaparastan , Ahmed A. Mohamed , Werner Brandauer
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 ( 8) 2831 -2847
Muhammad A Hussain , Werner Brandauer , Myung J Lee
Mobile Networks and Applications 24 ( 5) 1701 -1712
Werner Brandauer , Ernst Schmautzer , Lothar Fickert , Alfons Sillaber
Lothar Fickert , Werner Spitzl , Ernst Schmautzer , Werner Brandauer
6. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien: IEWT 2009 73 -74
Werner Brandauer , Klaus Köck , Christian Wakolbinger , Lothar Fickert
8. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien 1 -9
Christian Wakolbinger , Lothar Fickert , Werner Brandauer , Maria Aigner
International ETG-Congress 2013; Symposium 1: Security in Critical Infrastructures Today 1 -4
Werner Brandauer , Ernst Schmautzer , Lothar Fickert
12. Symposium für Energieinnovation–TU Graz
Werner Brandauer
Smart Grids Week