IIT Delhi
Shelly Biswas and D. K. Sharma
PETROTECH-2010, New Delhi
D.K. Sharma , Shelly Biswas
International Journal of Green Energy 18 ( 8) 793 -811
Pratim Kumar , Puran Chandra Joshi , Rajiv Kumar , Shelly Biswas
Defence Technology 14 ( 3) 250 -260
Shelly Biswas , D.K. Sharma
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 99 122 -129
Shelly Biswas , D.K. Sharma
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 101 17 -27
Shelly Biswas , D.K. Sharma
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 110 346 -352
Uma Vellaisamy , Shelly Biswas
Combustion and Flame 221 326 -337
Shelly Biswas , Sachchit Majhi , Pravakar Mohanty , K.K. Pant
Fuel 133 96 -105
Shelly Biswas , Pravakar Mohanty , D.K. Sharma
Fuel Processing Technology 106 673 -683
Shelly Biswas , Pravakar Mohanty , D.K. Sharma
Renewable Energy 63 308 -316
Shelly Biswas , D. K. Sharma
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 4 ( 4) 043112
Pragya Berwal , Shelly Biswas
International Journal of Turbomachinery, Propulsion and Power 5 ( 2) 12
Uday Shashikumar , Kumar Rakesh Ranjan , Ankit Sharma , Balaji Subramanian
Biomass and Bioenergy 187 107278 -107278
Shelly Biswas
Vegetable Oil-Based Composites: Processing, Properties and Applications 133 -143
Prabhat Dattakumar Phondekar , Shelly Biswas
Combustion Science and Technology 1 -19
Arpit Dubey , Rajiv Kumar , Shelly Biswas
Proceedings of the 27th National and 5th International ISHMT-ASTFE Heat and Mass Transfer Conference December 14-17, 2023, IIT Patna, Patna-801106, Bihar, India
Arpit Dubey , Rajiv Kumar , Shelly Biswas
Springer Nature Singapore 281 -292
Prabhat Dattakumar Phondekar , Shelly Biswas
Springer Nature Singapore 449 -461
Vellaisamy , Uma , Shelly Biswas
12th International High Energy Materials Conference & Exhibit, HEMCE-2019, IIT Madras, Chennai, 16th December to 18th December, 2019.