CARBOLAB : improving the knowledge of carbon storage and coal bed methane production bu in situ underground tests

J.L. Fuentes-Cantillana , P. Krzystolik , J. Skiba , B. Jura
Colloque Franco-Espagnol sur le stockage géologique du CO2

Importance de la spéciation géochimique pour l'atténuation des pollutions métalliques

Christophe Tournassat , Francis Claret , Catherine Crouzet , Eric C. Gaucher
Environnement & technique ( 269) 38 -42

Benchmark for reactive transport codes with application to concrete/clay interaction

Carl I. Steefel , Johannes C. Meeussen , Philippe Blanc , K. Ulrich Mayer
Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement

Influence of temperature on the geochemistry of Callovo-oxfordian argillite: batch experiments and modelling at 80°C

Hélène Gailhanou , Christophe Tournassat , Philippe Blanc , Nicolas C.M. Marty
International meeting "Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement"

Extending the prediction of the thermodynamic properties of clay minerals to the trapping of trace elements

Eric Giffaut , Hélène Gailhanou , Arnault Lassin , Philippe Blanc
International meeting "Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement"

Thermoddem: an example of alive thermochemical database

Patrice Piantone , Arnault Lassin , Christophe Tournassat , Philippe Blanc
Goldschmidt Conference 2013

Sorption-induced reversible oxidation of Fe(II) a the montmorillonite/water interface. A Mössbauer Study

A Gehin , Jean-Marc Greneche , J Miehé-Brendlé , D-G Rangourt
1st. Annual Workshop, 6TH EC FP - FUNMIG IP

Synthetic montmorillonite containing iron: preparation and caracterization

Jocelyne Miehé-Brendlé , Anne-Catherine Faust , Loïc Vidal , A Gehin
1st. Annual Workshop, 6TH EC FP - FUNMIG IP

Evidences of the Fe(II) high redox reactivity in clay phases of Callovian-Oxfordian clay-stones. A Mössbauer study

Christophe Tournassat , J.-M. Greneche , Philippe Blanc , J Miehé-Brendlé
1st. Annual Workshop 6TH EC FP - FUNMIG IP

Validation of a clay/porewater interaction model though laboratory experiment.

Philippe Blanc , Catherine Crouzet , Eric C. Gaucher , Bernard Sanjuan
Water Rock Interaction, WRI-10, International Symposium on Water Rock Interaction 10th 1 243 -246

Climatic and tectonic controls on lacustrine microbial and metazoan buildups from the Oligo-Miocene Limagne Basin (Massif Central, France)

Emmanuelle Vennin , Jean-François Deconinck , Aurélien Virgone , Irina Bundeleva
EGUGA 7525

Discriminating the source of elements in travertine and tufa deposits: new perspectives from trace elements and isotopes

Aurélien Virgone , Christophe Durlet , Gilbert F. Camoin , Eric C. Gaucher
EGUGA 7292

Rift and salt-related multi-phase dolomitization: example from the northwestern Pyrenees

Eric C. Gaucher , Guilhem Hoareau , Sidonie Révillon , Jean-Paul Callot
Marine and Petroleum Geology 126 104932

Epigenic vs. hypogenic speleogenesis governed by H2S/CO2 hydrothermal input and Quaternary icefield dynamics (NE French Pyrenees)

Thomas Rigaudier , Jacques Pironon , Christophe Durlet , Patrick Sorriaux
Geomorphology 387 107769

Metal speciation in landfill leachates with a focus on the influence of organic matter

Francis Claret , Christophe Tournassat , Catherine Crouzet , Eric C. Gaucher
Waste Management 31 ( 9) 2036 -2045

Cement/clay interactions-- a review: experiments, natural analogues, and modeling.

Eric C. Gaucher , Philippe Blanc
Waste Management 26 ( 7) 776 -788

The lacustrine microbial carbonate factory of the successive Lake Bonneville and Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA

Emmanuelle Vennin , Anthony Bouton , Raphaël Bourillot , Aurélie Pace
Sedimentology 66 ( 1) 165 -204

Chemical Conditions in Clay-Rocks

Christophe Tournassat , Agnès Vinsot , Eric C. Gaucher , Scott Altmann
Developments in Clay Science 6 71 -100

Diversity and origin of quartz cements in continental carbonates: Example from the Lower Cretaceous rift deposits of the South Atlantic margin

Pierre-Alexandre Teboul , Christophe Durlet , Jean-Pierre Girard , Ludivine Dubois
Applied Geochemistry 100 22 -41