Minik T. Rosing , Robert F. Dymek , Dennis K. Bird
American Mineralogist 72 29 -38
Minik T. Rosing , Edmond Mathez , Gustav Bojesen
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement 67 402
Carsten Rahbek , Michael K. Borregaard , Alexandre Antonelli , Robert K. Colwell
Science 365 ( 6458) 1114 -1119
Yoko Ohtomo , Takeshi Kakegawa , Akizumi Ishida , Toshiro Nagase
Nature Geoscience 7 ( 1) 25 -28
Kristoffer Szilas , Tomas Næraa , Anders Scherstén , Henrik Stendal
Lithos 144-145 24 -39
Ria Mukherjee , Sisir K. Mondal , Robert Frei , Minik T. Rosing
Lithos 155 392 -409
David Balslev-Clausen , Tais W. Dahl , Nabil Saad , Minik T. Rosing
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 28 ( 4) 516 -523
Kristoffer Szilas , J. Elis Hoffmann , Anders Scherstén , Minik T. Rosing
Precambrian Research 208 90 -123
Minik T. Rosing
International Journal of Astrobiology 4 ( 1) 9 -11
Minik T. Rosing , Dennis K. Bird , Norman H. Sleep , Christian J. Bjerrum
Nature 464 ( 7289) 744 -747
Robert Frei , Minik T. Rosing
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 236 ( 1) 28 -40
Minik T. Rosing , Nicholas M. Rose , David Bridgwater , Heidi S. Thomsen
Geology 24 ( 1) 43 -46
Minik T. Rosing , Dennis K. Bird , Norman H. Sleep , Christian J. Bjerrum
Nature 474 ( 7349)
Hanika Rizo , Maud Boyet , Janne Blichert-Toft , Jonathan O’Neil
Nature 491 ( 7422) 96 -100
Mette Bendixen , Irina Overeem , Minik T. Rosing , Anders Anker Bjørk
Nature Sustainability 2 ( 2) 98 -104
Allen P. Nutman , Vickie C. Bennett , Clark R.L. Friend , Minik T. Rosing
Chemical Geology 141 271 -287
Robert Frei , Minik T. Rosing
Chemical Geology 181 ( 1) 47 -66
Tais W. Dahl , Donald E. Canfield , Minik T. Rosing , Robert E. Frei
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 311 ( 3) 264 -274
J. Elis Hoffmann , Thorsten J. Nagel , Carsten Münker , Tomas Næraa
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 388 374 -386
Hanika Rizo , Maud Boyet , Janne Blichert-Toft , Minik T. Rosing
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 377 324 -335