S Mohamadien , G Tadros , A Abdelrahman , S Rizkalla
Publication of: CRC Press LLC
A Abdelrahman , R Hutchinson , S Rizkalla
Second International Conference on Composites in InfrastructureNational Science Foundation 1
Tasnim Hassan , S Rizkalla , A Abdelrahman , G Tadros
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 27 ( 5)
H Shaheen , T Elrakib , I Shaaban , A Abdelrahman
T Hassan , A Abdelrahman , G Tadros , S Rizkalla
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 27 ( 5) 839 -849
Ahmed F Deifalla , E Mousa , D Yehia , A Abdelrahman
Future Engineering Journal 2 ( 1) 5
H Shaheen , Y Hamad , I Shaaban , A Abdelrahman
7th International Congress, Concrete, Constructions' Sustainable Option 8 -10
Tasnim Hassan , SH Rizkalla , A Abdelrahman , G Tadros
A Hosny , H Shahin , A Abdelrahman , T El-Afandy
Proceedings of 5th international conference on fibre-reinforced plastics for reinforced concrete structures 773 -782
R Hutchinson , A Abdelrahman , S Rizkalla
Recent Advances in Bridge Engineering–Advanced Rehabilitation, Durable Materials, Nondestructive Evaluation and Management
S Rizkalla , E Shehata , A Abdelrahman
Proc., American Concrete Institute Seminar on Field Applications of FRP Reinforcement to Concrete: Part I and Part II
EA Darwish , Y Mansour , H Elmously , A Abdelrahman
Materials Research Proceedings 11
K Charleson , A Abdelrahman , S Rizkalla , W Saltzberg
Proceedings of FRPRCS-3 International Conference 2 575 -582
Sami Rizkalla , A Abdelrahman , M Mcvey
ISIS Canada, Winnipeg, Canada
A Abdelrahman , SH Rizkalla , GB Tadros
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures 2 767 -774
A Hosny , A Abdelrahman , A Elarabi
The Composites in Construction International Conference. Italy. September 16 -17.2003
R Hutchinson , A Abdelrahman , S Rizkalla , G Smith
Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the Third Symposium 1 531 -538
M AbuGazia , Mahmoud El-Kateb , Tamer Elafandy , A Abdelrahman
The 14th international conference on structural & geotechnical engineering 20 -22
R Hutchinson , D Donald , A Abdelrahman , S Kizkalla
ECCM-8 2 43 -50
YH Hashim , H Hashim , E Abdelraheem , A Abdelrahman
Ann Case Report 7 1056 -1056