Øystein Nytrø , Soudabeh Khodambashi
medical informatics europe 210 233 -235
Øystein Nytrø , Soudabeh Khodambashi , Heidi Gilstad
medical informatics europe 228 95 -99
Soudabeh Khodambashi , Petter Carlsen , Marikken Høiseth , Kirsti Elisabeth Berntsen
PAHI 61 -72
Soudabeh Khodambashi
Soudabeh Khodambashi
Øystein Nytrø , Soudabeh Khodambashi , Janne Kutschera Sund , Anette Ellingsberg
Studies in health technology and informatics 245 748 -752
Anh Nguyen-Duc , Anh Nguyen-Duc , Jon Atle Gulla , Soudabeh Khodambashi
KKIO Software Engineering Conference 149 -163
Soudabeh Khodambashi
Procedia Computer Science 37 309 -316
Maryati Mohd Yusof , Soudabeh Khodambashi , Ariffin Marzuki Mokhtar
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 12 ( 1) 150 -150
Soudabeh Khodambashi , Oystein Nytro
computer-based medical systems 140 -145
Soudabeh Khodambashi , Jon Atle Gulla , Pekka Abrahamsson , Florentin Moser
2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) 67 -72
Soudabeh Khodambashi , Alexander Perry , Øystein Nytrø
Procedia Computer Science 63 260 -267
Soudabeh Khodambashi , Zheng Wang , Øystein Nytrø
Procedia Computer Science 63 268 -275
Soudabeh Khodambashi
ubiquitous computing 19 ( 3) 689 -698
Øystein Eiring , Kari Nytrøen , Simone Kienlin , Soudabeh Khodambashi
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17 ( 1) 102 -102
Soudabeh Khodambashi , Øystein Nytrø
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17 ( 1) 132 -132
Soudabeh Khodambashi
Procedia Technology 9 949 -957
Letizia Jaccheri , Soudabeh Khodambashi , Katrien De Moor , Özlem Özgöbek
Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2018: 17th IFIP TC 14 International Conference, Held at the 24th IFIP World Computer Congress, WCC 2018, Poznan, Poland, September 17–20, 2018, Proceedings 17 392 -396
Soudabeh Khodambashi , R Liodden Sandes , John Atle Gulla , P Abrahamson
Proceedings of the European, Mediterrianean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems, Krakow, Poland 23 -24
Kewalin Angkananon , Mike Wald , Piyabud Ploadaksorn , TP Anjos