A. M. Kozae , A.A. Abo Khadra , M. E. Ali
International Journal on Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 3 ( 1) 19 -29
ME Abd El-Monsef , AM Kozae , AA Abo-Khadra
Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 24 ( 2) 189 -193
AM Kozae , A Abo Khadra , T Medhat
Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Informatics and Systems, Faculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 289 -302
AM Kozae , AA Abo Khadra , T Medhat
5th Annual Conference INFOS 2007, 24-26 March 2007, Faculty of Computers & Information, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt 291 -297
AA Abo Khadra , AM Kozae , ME Ali
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 ( 12) 7500 -7509
ME Abd El-Monsef , AM Kozae , AA Abo Khadra
AA Abo Khadra , BM Taher , MK El-Bably
Proceeding of The International Conference on Mathematics: Trends and Developments, The Egyptian Mathematical Society 3 335 -346
AA Abo Khadra , SS Mahmoud , YY Yousif
Journal of Computing 223 -230
AA Abo Khadra , AA Nasef
Proc. Math. Phys. Soc. Egypt 79 91 -102
AM Kozae , AA Abo Khadra , T Medhat
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 39 ( 1) 91 -91
ME ABD EL-MONSEF , AA Abo Khadra , AA Zedan
ME Abd El-Monsef , AA Abo Khadra , MK El-Bably
E.F. Lashin , A.M. Kozae , A.A. Abo Khadra , T. Medhat
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 40 ( 1) 35 -43
M. E. Abd El-Monsef , A. M. Kozae , A. A. Abo Khadra
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 19 ( 4) 747 -750
ME Abd El-Monsef , AM Kozae , AA Abd Khada ,
Tamkang J. of Mathematics 24 ( 3) 323 -331