Driss El Khyari , Patrick Grillas , Anne Charpentier , Dominique Titolet
Ambientes mediterráneos: funcionamiento, biodiversidad y conservación de los ecosistemas mediterráneos : actas de las XV jornadas del Aula de Ecología, 2005, 2007, ISBN 978-84-8108-386-6, págs. 185-194 185 -194
Eric Coulet , Isabelle Auby , Patrick Grillas , Anne Charpentier
ASLO 2000, Aquatic sciences meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, June 5-9, 2000, Copenhagen, Denmark
Chris T. Bauch , Anne Charpentier , Madhur Anand
Ana S. L. Rodrigues , Anne Charpentier , Darío Bernal-Casasola , Armelle Gardeisen
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 ( 1882) 20180961
Kathrin Holenstein , William D. Simonson , Kevin G. Smith , Tim M. Blackburn
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8
Ana S.L. Rodrigues , Liora Kolska Horwitz , Sophie Monsarrat , Anne Charpentier
Antiquity 90 ( 352) 928 -938
Isabelle Maréchaux , Ana S. L. Rodrigues , Anne Charpentier
Ecography 40 ( 10) 1166 -1176
Anne Charpentier , Patrick Grillas , John D. Thompson
American Journal of Botany 87 ( 4) 502 -507
Bodil K. Ehlers , Anne Charpentier , Eva Grøndahl
Journal of Ecology 102 ( 1) 176 -185
Ana S. L. Rodrigues , Sophie Monsarrat , Anne Charpentier , Thomas M. Brooks
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 374 ( 1788) 20190220
Camilla Speller , Youri van den Hurk , Anne Charpentier , Ana Rodrigues
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 371 ( 1702) 20150332
Guillaume Fried , Lidia Caño , Sarah Brunel , Estela Beteta
Botany Letters 163 ( 2) 127 -153
Anne Charpentier , Madhur Anand , Chris T. Bauch
Journal of Ecology 100 ( 1) 184 -195
Anne Charpentier
Conservation Biology 29 ( 3) 738 -747
Anne Charpentier , Marine Kreder , Aurélien Besnard , Perrine Gauthier
Urban Ecosystems 23 ( 6) 1181 -1190
Anne Charpentier , Josef F. Stuefer
Plant Ecology 141 ( 1) 129 -136
Anne Charpentier
Evolutionary Ecology 15 ( 4-6) 521 -530
Jean-Marc Pétillon , François-Xavier Chauvière , Camilla Speller , Krista McGrath
PALEO. Revue d'archéologie préhistorique ( 30-1) 230 -242
Anne Charpentier , Ana SL Rodrigues , Claire Houmard , Alexandre Lefebvre
Quaternary Science Reviews 284 107470 -107470
Guillaume Fried , Lidia Caño , Sarah Brunel , Estela Beteta
Monographs on invasive plants in Europe: Baccharis halimifolia L. Botany Letters 584 ( 163) 127 -53