Matthew J. Helmers , Eileen Kladivko , Jane Frankenberger , Larry C. Brown
Mark Dittrich , Ann Lewandowski , Gary Sands
St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension Service
Mary Blickenderfer , John Bilotta , Shane Missaghi , Eleanor Burkett
St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension
Kenji Adachi , Steven J. Taff , Jeffrey D. Apland , Gary Sands
Research Papers in Economics
Andry Ranaivoson , Chris Hay , Jeffrey S. Strock , Satish Gupta
Gary Sands , Srinivasulu Ale , Laura Christianson , Nathan Utt
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science
Grace L. Wilson , David J. Mulla , Jake Galzki , Aicam Laacouri
Precision Agriculture 21 ( 2) 311 -323
Laura Christianson , Jane Frankenberger , Chris Hay , Matt Helmers
Jane Frankenberger , E Kladivko , Gary Sands , Dan Jaynes
Report WQ-44. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service.( http://www. ces. purdue. edu/-extmedia/WQ/WQ-44. pdf)
Gary Sands , Matthew Helmers , Mark Dittrich , Craig Schrader
ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings (November 12-16, 2006)
Jerry Wright , Gary Sands
College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota. BU-07685 1 -10
Lowell Busman , Gary Sands
Communication and Educational Technology Services, University of Minnesota Extension Service, St. Paul, MN
Gary Sands
University of Minnesota Extension Publication Number 76441
Lowell Busman , Gary Sands
Jerry Wright , Gary Sands
Gary Sands , ID Moore , Richard C Warner
( 84-2605) 66 pp -66 pp
Geoffrie Kramer , Lori Krider , Mikhail Titov , Jason Ulrich
University of Minnesota, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
Lowell Busman , Gary Sands
Agricultural Drainage Field Day 65 -65
David J Mulla , Adam Sekely , Adam Birr , Jim Perry
Brad Carlson , Gary Sands