Removal of natural organic matter for drinking water production by Al/Fe-PILC-catalyzed wet peroxide oxidation: Effect of the catalyst preparation from concentrated precursors

Luis Alejandro Galeano , Pedro Fernando Bravo , Cristian Darío Luna , Miguel Ángel Vicente
Applied Catalysis B-environmental 111 527 -535

Molecular detection and genotyping of pathogenic protozoan parasites in raw and treated water samples from southwest Colombia

Claudia Sánchez , Myriam Consuelo López , Luis Alejandro Galeano , Yvonne Qvarnstrom
Parasites & Vectors 11 ( 1) 563

Applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in drinking water treatment

Antonio Gil , Luis Alejandro Galeano , Miguel Ángel Vicente
Smpte Journal 67

High resolution mass spectrometry-based screening for the comprehensive investigation of organic micropollutants in surface water and wastewater from Pasto city, Colombian Andean highlands

Félix Hernández , María Ibáñez , Tania Portoles , Arsenio Hidalgo-Troya
Science of the Total Environment 922 171293 -171293

Heterogeneous Fenton oxidation of phenol photo-assisted with visible radiation in the presence of g-C3N4 catalysts modified with different iron phases

Evelyn Alejandra Burbano , Carlos Andrés Vallejo , Juan David Ramirez , Arsenio Hidalgo-Troya
Chemical Engineering Journal 149766 -149766

Global and genetic diversity of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater

Luz Helena Patiño , Nathalia Ballesteros , Marina Muñoz , Angie Lorena Ramírez
Heliyon 10 ( 5)

Síntesis y caracterización de arcillas pilarizadas con aluminio: efecto de la carga interlaminar sobre la modificación por intercalación-pilarización

Luis Alejandro Galeano , Rafael Molina , Sonia Moreno
Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Separation and characterization of NOM intermediates along AOP oxidation

Ana-María García , Ricardo A Torres-Palma , Luis Alejandro Galeano , Miguel Ángel Vicente
Applications of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in drinking water treatment 99 -132

Control no lineal de un reactor de lecho fluidizado para el tratamiento de aguas superficiales

Juan José Basante-Navarro , Daniel Sebastián Gallardo-Rosero , Nohora España , Andrés Pantoja
Corporación Centro Internacional de Marketing Territorial para la Educación y el Desarrollo 1 590 -590

Effect of interlaminar cation type on the pillaring capacity of the synthetic mica Na-2-Mica and the in-situ formation to MnS Nanoclusters

Lisette Ruiz Bravo , Luis Alejandro Galeano , Mery Carolina Pazos Zarama
Ciencia en Desarrollo 9 ( 1) 119 -132

Efecto del escalamiento a 10 kg del catalizador Al/Fe-PILC sobre sus propiedades fisicoquímicas y catalíticas en la degradación de fenol.

Helir Joseph Muñoz , Carolina Blanco , José Herney Ramírez , Arsenio Hidalgo
Simposio Colombiano de Catálisis-2017

Simple Method for the Simultaneous Analysis of Pharmaceutical and Agrotoxic Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Either Surface Water or Urban Wastewater

Manuela A Paredes-Hincapié , Andrés F Hidalgo-Silva , Eliana C Mora-Oviedo , Ana M García-Mora
Available at SSRN 4533210

Encapsulation of SALEN- and SALHD-Mn(III) complexes in an Al-pillared clay for bicarbonate-assisted catalytic epoxidation of cyclohexene

Ana M Garcia , Viviana Moreno , Sonia X Delgado , Alfonso E Ramírez
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A-chemical 416 10 -19

Development of Mn or Fe sulfides in the interlayer space of raw and Al-pillared bentonite

Luis A Galeano , Helir J Muñoz , Ana M García , Antonio Gil
Applied Clay Science 157 31 -40