Uwe Leprich , Marlene O'Sullivan , Frithjof Staiß
Wolfram Krewitt , Raffaella Gerboni , Gulmira Sergazina , Laura Schranz
Fabian Sakowski , Ulrike Lehr , Dietmar Edler , Marlene O'Sullivan
Dietmar Edler , Marlene O'Sullivan
DIW Wochenbericht 77 ( 41) 2 -8
Ulrike Lehr , Marlene O'Sullivan
Research Papers in Economics
Wolfram Krewitt , Franz Trieb , Thomas Pregger , Christoph Schillings
Thomas Wanderer , Christoph Schillings , Marlene O'Sullivan
Ulrike Lehr , Dietmar Edler , Marlene O'Sullivan
Sustainable Energy Policy and Strategies for Europe,14th IAEE European Conference,October 28-31, 2014
Fabian Sakowski , Tobias Naegler , Ines Thobe , Philip Ulrich
Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW)
Ulrike Lehr , Dietmar Edler , Marlene O'Sullivan
Marlene O'Sullivan
Ulrike Lehr , Dietmar Edler , Marlene O'Sullivan
GWS Research Report Series
Ulrike Lehr , Dietmar Edler , Marlene O'Sullivan
Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW)
Martin Robinius , Rutger Schlatmann , Hans Christian Gils , Andreas W. Bett
Patrick Jochem , Marlene O'Sullivan , Benjamin Frieske , Ulrich J Frey
Patrick Jochem , Marlene O'Sullivan , Ulrich J Frey , Stephan Müller
Matthias Klötzke , Peter Berster , Sven Maertens , Wolfgang Grimme
Thomas Pregger , Evasio Lavagno , Maryse Labriet , Pernille Seljom
International Journal of Energy Sector Management 5 ( 1) 125 -156
Franz Trieb , Christoph Schillings , Thomas Pregger , Marlene O'Sullivan
Energy Policy 42 341 -353
Christian Lutz , Ulrike Lehr , Lisa Becker , Markus Flaute