Renée A Duckworth
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 364 ( 1520) 1075 -1086
Alexander V Badyaev , Hubert Schwabl , Rebecca L Young , Renée A Duckworth
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 ( 1577) 2165 -2172
Renée A Duckworth
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 ( 1595) 1789 -1795
Rosana Zenil-Ferguson , Jay P McEntee , J Gordon Burleigh , Renée A Duckworth
Systematic Biology 72 ( 2) 294 -306
Rosana Zenil-Ferguson , Jay P McEntee , J Gordon Burleigh , Renée A Duckworth
James C Mouton , Renée A Duckworth , Ryan T Paitz , Thomas E Martin
Journal of Experimental Biology 225 ( 7) jeb243047 -jeb243047
Alexander V Badyaev , Geoffrey E Hill , Michelle L Beck , Anne A Dervan
Science 295 ( 5553) 316 -318
Kathryn C Chenard , Renée A Duckworth
Phenotypic Plasticity & Evolution 301 -301
Renée A Duckworth
Avian urban ecology: physiological and behavioural adaptations to the urban habitat. Oxford University Press, Oxford 181 -191
Christopher I Gurguis , Renée A Duckworth
The American Naturalist 199 ( 5) 705 -718
Ahva L Potticary , Renée A Duckworth
The Auk 138 ( 3) ukab036 -ukab036
Renée A Duckworth , Kathryn C Chenard , Lexis Meza , Maria Carolina Beiriz
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 151 105241 -105241
Caroline Van Hemert , Colleen M Handel , Renée A Duckworth , Katherine R Mehl
The Auk 127 ( 4)
Renee A. Duckworth , Alexander V. Badyaev , Kristy L. Farmer , Geoffrey E. Hill
The Auk 120 ( 2) 528 -530
Paul M. Nolan , Renee A. Duckworth , Geoffrey E. Hill , Sharon R. Roberts
Avian Diseases 44 ( 4) 948 -952
Renee A. Duckworth
Renée Duckworth
The Auk 127 ( 1) 245 -246
Renée A. Duckworth
The American Naturalist 172 ( 1)
Renée Ann Duckworth
Duke University
Renée A. Duckworth , James C. Mouton
Proceedings of The Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 ( 1943) 20202467 -20202467