Alice Klettner , Thomas Clarke , Martijn Boersma
Journal of Business Ethics 133 ( 3) 395 -419
John Chelliah , Martijn Boersma , Alice Klettner
Australasian Conference on Business and Social Sciences 2015, Sydney
Thomas Clarke , Alice Klettner
World Scientific 71 -102
Thomas Clarke , Alice Klettner
Journal of Law and Governance 4 ( 4) 23–40 -23–40
Alice Klettner
University of New South Wales Law Journal, The 39 ( 2) 715 -739
Dionysia Katelouzou , Alice Klettner
An edited version of the paper will be published as a chapter in Global Shareholder Stewardship: Complexities, Challenges and Possibilities (Dionysia Katelouzou & Dan W. Puchniak eds, Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming), European Corporate Governance Institute-Law Working Paper ( 521)
Alice Klettner
SAGE 556 -556
Thomas Clarke , Alice Klettner
Study commissioned by The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors and prepared by The Centre for Corporate Governance, UTS
Dionysia Katelouzou , Alice Klettner
European Corporate Governance Institute
Thomas Clarke , Alice Klettner
Gower Publishing, Ltd. 269 -269
Alice Klettner
Australian Business Law Review
Alice Klettner
Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice
Alice Klettner
Governance Directions 75 ( 3) 863 -866
Alice Klettner , Alison Atherton , Thomas Clarke , Keren Winterford
Sydney, New South Wales, University of Technology Sydney, 2020
Alice Klettner
Governance Directions 70 ( 5) 227 -234
Thomas Clarke , Alice Klettner
Global Perspectives on Corporate Governance and CSR 269 -269
Thomas Clarke , Alice Klettner
the handbook 334 -334
A Klettner
Catalyst Australia
A Klettner , M Lester , M dela Rama