Improvement of antioxidant defences in keratinocytes grown in physioxia: Comparison of 2D and 3D models

Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Fabienne Fasani , Amandine Boileau , David Gosset
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity 2023 ( 1) 6829931 -6829931

Human and murine stem-cell lines: Models of endothelial cell precursors

Claudine Kieda , Catherine Grillon , Nathalie Lamerant-Fayel , Maria Paprocka

miRNome analyses reveal that activity of CAF expressed podoplanin in tumor microenvironment is modulated by exosome miRNAs involved in the PTEN-PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling

Anna Tejchman , Eric Mennesson , Isabelle Fixe , Alexandra Foucher
Cancer Research 77 ( 13_Supplement) 1460 -1460

Endothelium in pathologic angiogenesis and angiogenesis-mediated therapies

Maria Paprocka , Catherine Grillon , Danuta Duś , Claudine Kieda
Angiogenesis and Vascularisation: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Health and Diseases 389 -406

First immortalized human CD133+ CD34− endothelial progenitor cell lines

Maria Paprocka , Agnieszka Krawczenko , Aneta Kantor , Danuta Dus
Vascular Pharmacology 5 ( 56) 361 -361

Physiological skin oxygen levels: An important criterion for skin cell functionality and therapeutic approaches

Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Catherine Grillon
Free Radical Biology and Medicine

Novel reconstructed human epidermis model that restores skin physiological oxygen level

Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Septuce Zin , Fabienne Fasani , Catherine Grillon
33rd IFSCC Congress

Impact of oxygen level on epidermal cell antioxidant activity

Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Giovanni Busco , Fabienne Fasani , Catherine Grillon
Cosm’innov 5th edition

Rôle du taux d’oxygénation sur l’activité antioxydante des cellules épidermiques

Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Giovanni Busco , Fabienne Fasani , Catherine Grillon
Congrès annuel de recherche en dermatologie (CARD)

New reconstructed epidermis models closer to skin physiology

Catherine Grillon , Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Loïck Ridou , Fabienne Fasani
LeStudium conference: Skin Models in Cosmetic Science: Bridging Established Methods and Novel Technologies, 2nd meeting

Study of oxidative stress under the true oxygenation of the skin, Physioxia

Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Giovanni Busco , Fabienne Fasani , Catherine Grillon
23rd International Conference on Oxidative Stress Reduction, Redox Homeostasis and Antioxidants

Organoïdes de peau pour des applications en biologie cutanée et cosmétique

Catherine Grillon
6e journée thématique Biotechnocentre «Cellules souches et Organoïdes: réalités et perspectives»

Rôle différentiel de Lingo1 et Lingo3 dans la prolifération et la migration des cellules de glioblastome

Khadidja Sidelarbi , Fabienne Fasani , Séverine Morisset-Lopez , Catherine Grillon
16èmes journées du Cancéropôle Grand Ouest

Anti-tumor activity of new ligands targeting LINGO1-a protein primarily expressed in CNS for the treatment of glioblastomas

W Chen , A Guillemain , L Blot , Fabienne Fasani
Colloque Niche et épigénétique des tumeurs

The research of new therapeutic targets and small chemical molecules for glioblastoma therapies

W Chen , A Guillemain , L Blot , Fabienne Fasani
Central South University in HuNan

Skin physioxia as a new parameter to improve in vitro skin models

Catherine Grillon , Nadira Chettouh-Hammas , Loïck Ridou , Shalina Hassanaly
Le Studium Conference: Skin Models in Cosmetic Science: Bridging Established Methods and Novel Technologies

Les modèles cutanés

Catherine Grillon
Atelier du GDR Cosmactifs «Microbiote et cosmétiques»

Etude de l’activité anti-tumorale de nouveaux ligands ciblant LINGO-1 pour le traitement des glioblastomes

Wanyin Chen , Anthony Guillemain , Lauren Blot , Fabienne Fasani
Colloque de l’ADOC

Melanosome transfer to keratinocytes as a valuable target to control skin pigmentation: role of 6-phosphogalactose

Shalina Hassanaly , Nadia Normand , Ludovic Landemarre , Elian Lati
30th IFSCC Congress 2018