Charles Irby , Eric Harslem , Bill Verplank , Ralph Kimball
Perspectives on the computer revolution 261 -283
Bill Verplank , Michael Gurevich , Scott Wilson
international computer music conference 2003
Scott R. Klemmer , Bill Verplank , Wendy Ju
conference on designing for user experience 26
Bill Verplank , Scott Snibbe , Sean Anderson
Bill Verplank , Edgar Berdahl , Julius O. Smith Iii , Günter Niemeyer
international computer music conference 2007
Alison Black , Gillian Crampton Smith , Bill Verplank
international conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques 801 -824
Andrew McPherson , Bill Verplank
New Directions in Music and Human-Computer Interaction 61 -70
Bill Verplank , Scott Kim
ACM SIGCHI Bulletin 18 ( 3) 50 -66
James Foley , Michel Beaudouin-Lafon , Jonathan Grudin , James Hollan
CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '05 2113 -2114
Scott Klemmer , Bill Verplank
Wendy Ju , Bill Verplank , Alissa Antle , Ali Mazalek
Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction 2015 iii -iii
Bill Verplank , Max Mathews , Rob Shaw
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 ( 5_Supplement) 2400 -2400
Bill Verplank , Michael Gurevich , Max V Mathews
NIME 33 -36
Bill Verplank , Craig Sapp , Max Mathews
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.01569
Bill Verplank , Jane Fulton , Alison Black , Bill Moggridge
CHI Tutorial
Colin Burns , Eric Dishman , Bonnie Johnson , Bill Verplank
BayCHI (Palo Alto, August 1995). Abstract available at http://www. baychi. org/meetings/archive/0895. html
Scott Wilson , Michael Gurevich , Bill Verplank , Pascal Stang
NIME 24 -29
Bill Verplank , Francesco Georg
NIME 539 -540
Bill Verplank
Tutorial notes. CHI 86
Bill Verplank , David Gauthier , Jakob Bak
431 -434