Anuradha F Lingappa , Olayemi Akintunde , Connie Ewald , Markus Froehlich
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Nancy K Mize , David W Andrews , Vishwanath R Lingappa
Ramanujan S Hegde , James A Mastrianni , Michael R Scott , Kathryn A DeFea
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Bernard E Eble , Donald R MacRae , Vishwanath R Lingappa , Don Ganem
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Stephen McPhee , W Ganong , Vishwanath R Lingappa , Jack D Lange
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Ramanujan S Hegde , Vishwanath R Lingappa
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Carin C Zimmerman , Vishwanath R Lingappa , Julia E Richards , Frank W Rozsa
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Jonathan C Reed , Dennis Solas , Anatoliy Kitaygorodskyy , Beverly Freeman
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Vishwanath R Lingappa , Charles S Yost
William R Skach , Vishwanath R Lingappa , Peng Loh
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Lisa M Galli , Marc O Anderson , J Gabriel Fraley , Luis Sanchez
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Jaisri R Lingappa , Vishwanath R Lingappa
Andreas Müller-Schiffmann , Svenja V Trossbach , Vishwanath R Lingappa , Carsten Korth
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Vishwanath R Lingappa
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Michael P Mckinley , Vishwanath R Lingappa , Stanley B Prusiner
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Vishwanath R Lingappa , Synthia H Mellon
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Jaisri R Lingappa , Kevin C Klein , Vishwanath R Lingappa
Vishwanath R Lingappa
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Carsten Korth , Vishwanath R Lingappa
Vishwanath R Lingappa , Ramanujan Hegde
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