Brittany Stott , Mark Driscoll
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 1 -9
Mark Driscoll , Natasha Jacobson
Trevor Cotter , Rosaire Mongrain , Jean Ouellet , Mark Driscoll
Canadian Journal of Surgery 65 S133 -S133
Swajan Paul , Mark Driscoll , Ahmed Aoude
The Spine Journal 22 ( 9) S188 -S189
Mark Driscoll , Natasha Jacobson
Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body-E-Book: The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy 406 -406
Mark Driscoll , Khaled El-Monajjed
Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body-E-Book: The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy 358 -358
Ibrahim El Bojairami , Mark Driscoll
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering
Natasha Jacobson , Mark Driscoll
Johannes Fleckenstein , Robert Schleip , Cornelia Sachs , Mark Driscoll
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Akupunktur 61 ( 2) 69 -74
Mark Driscoll
Mr Emeric Bernier , Mark Driscoll
Siril Teja Dukkipati , Mark Driscoll
Available at SSRN 4154354
Natasha Jacobson , Mark Driscoll
M Driscoll , C-É Aubin , S Parent , A Moreau
IOS Press 356 -356
K Beaudette , M Driscoll , M Strupler , L Carrion
R Schleip , C Stecco , M Driscoll , P Hujing
Gonzalez CA Avila , M Driscoll , R Schleip , S Wearing
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 22 ( 4) 873 -873
M Driscoll , L Blyum
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 56