Jae-Moon Lee , Jin-Mok Lee , Jaeho Choi , Kyoung-Min Kwon
Journal of Power Electronics 9 ( 3) 481 -490
Jaeho Choi , Gyo-Bum Chung
Journal of Power Electronics 9 ( 1) 109 -116
Sangmin Lim , Jaeho Choi
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 5 ( 1) 45 -53
Jaeho Choi , Younseok Choo
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems 2 ( 4) 516 -522
Novie Ayub Windarko , Jaeho Choi , Deoksu Hyun ,
전력전자학회 학술대회 논문집 643 -645
Jaeho Choi , Younseok Choo
International Journal of Control Automation and Systems 2 ( 3) 384 -389
Patrick Wheeler , Tae-Woong Kim , Jaeho Choi
Journal of Power Electronics 9 ( 3) 499 -506
Jaeho Choi , Fajar Sastrowijoyo
전력전자학회 학술대회 논문집 524 -526
Novie Ayub Windarko , Jinmok Lee , Jaeho Choi ,
대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집 924 -925
Gawoo Park , Cui Enzhen , Kyoungmin Son , Jaeho Choi
전력전자학술대회논문집 594 -596
Jinmok Lee , Kyoungmin Son , Cuienzhen , Jaeho Choi
전력전자학술대회논문집 79 -81
Frede Blaabjerg , Birgitte Bak-Jensen , Jaeho Choi , Hyo Sung Kim
Novel Instantaneous Power Compensation Theory in Three-Phase Systems
Frede Blaabjerg , Birgitte Bak-Jensen , Jaeho Choi , Kim Hyosung
Instantaneous Power Compensation in Three-Phase Systems by p-q-r Theory
Frede Blaabjerg , Jaeho Choi , Jaesik Kim
Design and Analysis of Output Filter for UPS Inverter
Hyeong-Jun Yoo , Kyungbae Lim , Jaeho Choi , Injong Song
Journal of Power Electronics 19 ( 1) 254 -264
Jaeho Choi , Kyoungmin Kwon , Kyungbae Lim
Proceedings of the KIPE Conference 118 -119
Taesuk Bae , Deokyoung Lim , Jaeho Choi
Proceedings of the KIPE Conference 293 -294
Tae-Woong Kim , Chang-Woo Han , Seong-Gon Kim , Tae-Woo Kim
Proceedings of the KIPE Conference 267 -268
Jaeho Choi , Kyungbae Lim , Seungwoo Ko
Proceedings of the KIPE Conference 169 -170
Jaeho Choi , Kyungbae Lim , Seungwoo ko
Proceedings of the KIPE Conference 125 -126