Multi-scale modeling of the precipitation of zirconium hydrides

MA Louchez , Rémy Besson , Ludovic Thuinet , Alexandre Legris

Elaboration et caractérisation de composites Al/NTC obtenus par métallurgie des poudres

François Housaer , Matthieu Touzin , Ahmed Addad , Alexandre Legris

Modélisation multi-échelle de la précipitation des hydrures de zirconium

MA Louchez , Rémy Besson , Ludovic Thuinet , Alexandre Legris

Influence de mécanismes athermiques sur les transformations de phases dans les alliages Al-Cu

Rémy Besson , J Kwon , Ludovic Thuinet , Marie-NoËlle Avettand-Fènoël

Etude ab initio du composé Al4Cu9

Rémy Besson , J Kwon , Ludovic Thuinet , Marie-NoËlle Avettand-Fènoël

Atomic-scale investigation of point defects in Gamma1-Al4Cu9

J Kwon , Ludovic Thuinet , Marie Noëlle Avettand Fenoël , Alexandre Legris

Modeling Zirconium Hydrides Reorientation under Applied Load

Lanting Zhang , Ludovic Thuinet , Alexandre Legris , A De Backer

On the persistence of Al4Cu9 in nonequilibrium processes

J Kwon , Marie-NoËlle Avettand-Fènoël , Ludovic Thuinet , Alexandre Legris

Ab initio investigation of point defects in 1-Cu9Al4 and effect on its stability

J Kwon , Marie-NoËlle Avettand-Fènoël , Ludovic Thuinet , Alexandre Legris

Phase Field Modeling of Coherent Zirconium Hydrides Reorientation under Applied Load

Lingfei Zhang , Ludovic Thuinet , Alexandre Legris , Andrée Debacker
Supplemental Proceedings: Materials Properties, Characterization, and Modeling 1 125 -131

Alloys design approach to friction and wear resistant materials

Catherine CORDIER , Jacques Foct , Alexandre Legris

P19. 03.07

Jean-Paul Morniroli , Zhao Zhao , Alexandre Legris , Martine Blat-Yrieix
Acta Cryst 64 C604 -605

Effets d'irradiation dans l'oxyde supraconducteur YBA# 2CU# 3O# 7## X

Alexandre Legris
Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique

Using ab initio Molecular Dynamics to Determine the Mobility of Single, Di and Tri Self-Interstitial Configurations in hcp Zr

Clément Sakaël , Christophe Domain , Antoine Ambard , Ludovic Thuinet
Di and Tri Self-Interstitial Configurations in hcp Zr

A 3D crystal plasticity model for coherency loss during precipitation

G Oum , L Thuinet , A Legris
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 26 ( 6) 065008