James E. Ayars , Richard A. Schoneman
Irrigation and Drainage 55 ( 3) 265 -279
Chandra A. Madramootoo , William R. Johnston , James E. Ayars , Robert O. Evans
Irrigation and Drainage 56
James E. Ayars , Richard W. Soppe , Peter Shouse
Irrigation and Drainage 60 ( 1) 123 -135
Blaine R. Hanson , James E. Ayars
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 16 ( 4) 261 -277
Naem Th. Mazahrih , Nedal Katbeh-Bader , Steven R. Evett , James E. Ayars
Vadose Zone Journal 7 ( 3) 992 -1000
Huihui Zhang , Dong Wang , James E. Ayars , Claude J. Phene
Irrigation Science 35 ( 5) 425 -435
James E. Ayars
Irrigation and Drainage Systems 10 ( 3) 227 -244
James E. Ayars , Richard W.O. Soppe
Irrigation and Drainage 63 ( 1) 102 -111
James E. Ayars , Robert G. Evans
Irrigation and Drainage 64 ( 3) 378 -392
James E. Ayars
Smpte Journal
James E. Ayars
Smpte Journal
William Evans , John Hedlund , Lyman Willardson , E. Gordon Kruse
National Water Conference 75 -84
Todd Skaggs , William Kustas , James Ayars , Ray Anderson
Rebecca Tirado-Corbalá , Ray Anderson , Dong Wang , James Ayars
Agronomy 5 ( 2) 239 -261
Isabel Abrisqueta , James Ayars
Water 10 ( 5) 583
Evan Christen , James Ayars , John Hornbuckle
Irrigation Science 21 ( 1) 35 -43
James Ayars , Huihui Zhang , Dong Wang
ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual (2017)
Rebecca Tirado-Corbala , Dong Wang , James Ayars , Jim Gartung
ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings (Cincinnati, OH-Oct. 21-Oct. 24, 2012)
Dennis Corwin , Scott M Lesch , Peter Shouse , Richard Soppe
The 18th World Congress of Soil Science
Laosheng Wu , Peter Shouse , James Ayars , Linlin Xu
Technical Progress Report 191 -191