Machiko Kanetake
Social Science Research Network
Machiko Kanetake
American Journal of International Law 113 ( 3) 586 -592
Machiko Kanetake
International Peacekeeping 17 ( 2) 200 -214
Machiko Kanetake
Transnational legal theory 7 ( 4) 470 -498
Machiko Kanetake
International Organizations Law Review 9 ( 2) 267 -338
Christina Eckes , Elaine Fahey , Machiko Kanetake
Currents: Int'l Trade LJ 20 20 -20
Christina Eckes , Elaine Fahey , Machiko Kanetake
[Sl]: SSRN
Eliana Cusato , Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi , Sofia Stolk , Renske Vos
Danielle Ireland-Piper , Machiko Kanetake
Nature 25 ( 3) 239 -241
Machiko Kanetake
The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference (Oxford: Hart Publishing)., Amsterdam Center for International Law ( 2014-27) 2014 -44
Machiko Kanetake , André Nollkaemper
The Rule of Law at the National and International Levels: Contestations and Deference, Oxford: Hart Publishing (2016 Forthcoming), Amsterdam Law School Research Paper ( 2015-33)
Machiko Kanetake
International Organizations Law Review 9 267, 286–87 -267, 286–87
Machiko Kanetake , Sybe de Vries
18 ( 12) 2020 -2020
Claire Stalenhoef , Machiko Kanetake , Marijk van der Wende
Utrecht University School of Law Research Paper Forthcoming
Machiko Kanetake
Transnational Legal Theory 8 ( 2) 177 -180
Machiko Kanetake , Cedric Ryngaert
Flemish Peace Institute
Rianne Keeler , Machiko Kanetake
Master’s thesis, Utrecht University
Machiko Kanetake
Brill Nijhoff 255 -283
Machiko Kanetake
, Asian SIL Working Paper 2010/11
Machiko Kanetake
Springer International Publishing 507 -536