Jeffrey W. Seifert , Daniel J. Chenok , Robert F. Albicker , Stephen H. Holden
digital government research 443 -446
Zhiyuan Chen , Arrya Gangopadhyay , Stephen H. Holden , George Karabatis
Government Information Quarterly 24 ( 4) 716 -735
Jacob Parcell , Stephen H. Holden
digital government research 11 -17
Stephen H. Holden
Government Information Quarterly 13 ( 1) 65 -82
Stephen H. Holden
IGI Global 17 -34
Furkan Tari , A. Ant Ozok , Stephen H. Holden
symposium on usable privacy and security 56 -66
Stephen H. Holden , Lynette I. Millett
The Information Society 21 ( 5) 367 -377
Stephen H. Holden
Information technology and computer applications in public administration 62 -80
Stephen H. Holden
Smpte Journal
Stephen H. Holden
Smpte Journal
Alan T Sherman , Aryya Gangopadhyay , Stephen H Holden , George Karabatis
Donald F Norris , Patricia D Fletcher , Stephen H Holden
Washington, DC: International City/County Management Association
Stephen H Holden , Patricia D Fletcher
Routledge 389 -410
Donald F Norris , Stephen H Holden , Patricia Diamond Fletcher
International City/County Management Association
Rosa R Heckle , Stephen H Holden
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security
Stephen H Holden , Donald F Norris
Electronic government at the local level: Progress to date and future issues. Public Performance & Management Review 26 325 -344
Donald F Norris , Patricia D Fletcher , Stephen H Holden
Washington, DC: Public Technology, Inc. and International City/County Management Association
Patricia Diamond Fletcher , Stephen H Holden , Donald F Norris
International City/County Management Association
Wayne F Lemon , Stephen H Holden
AMCIS 2005 Proceedings 138 -138
Stephen H Holden