2005 Salt Lake City Annual Meeting
Lunar and Planetary Inst, Workshop on the Martian Northern Plains: Sedimentological, Periglacial, and Paleoclimatic Evolution p 15(SEE N 94-20382 05-91)
Lunar and Planetary Inst., MSATT Workshop on Chemical Weathering on Mars p 33-34(SEE N 93-31933 12-91)
Lunar and Planetary Inst, Papers Presented to the Workshop on the Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere p 26(SEE N 92-28478 19-91)
M Darby Dyar , David G Agresti , Martha W Schaefer , Christopher A Grant
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 34 83 -125
M Darby Dyar , Jeremy S Delaney , Steven R Sutton , Martha W Schaefer
American Mineralogist 83 ( 12) 1361 -1365
David G Agresti , M Darby Dyar , Martha W Schaefer
NASSAU 2006: Proceedings of the 4th Nassau Mössbauer Symposium held in Garden City, New York, USA, 13–14 January 2006 67 -74
David G Agresti , M Darby Dyar , Martha W Schaefer
ICAME 2005: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect (ICAME 2005) held in Montpellier, France, 4–9 September 2005 Volume II (Part III–V/V) 845 -850
David G Agresti , M Darby Dyar , Martha W Schaefer
36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1941 -1941
M Darby Dyar , Catherine McCammon , Martha W Schaefer , Roger George Burns
(No Title)
Martha W Schaefer , M Darby Dyar , David G Agresti , Bradley E Schaefer
Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI, Part 18
Martha W Schaefer , BE Schaefer , DL Rabinowitz , SW Tourtellotte
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts# 40 40 28.13 -28.13
Bradley E Schaefer , Martha W Schaefer
Icarus 146 ( 2) 541 -555
Lisa Bovenkamp-Langlois , Martha W Schaefer
X-ray and Neutron Techniques for Nanomaterials Characterization 247 -313
Martha W. Schaefer
American Mineralogist 70 729 -736
S. W. Tourtellotte , B. E. Schaefer , Martha W. Schaefer , D. L. Rabinowitz
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts #39 39
Martha W. Schaefer , Bradley E. Schaefer , David L. Rabinowitz , Suzanne W. Tourtellotte
Icarus 207 ( 2) 699 -713
Guy J. Consolmagno , Martha W. Schaefer , Bradley E. Schaefer , Daniel T. Britt
Planetary and Space Science 87 146 -156
Martha W. Schaefer
Journal of Geophysical Research 95 ( B9) 14291 -14300
M.Darby Dyar , Martha W. Schaefer
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 218 ( 3) 243 -259