Vojtech Uher , Petr Gajdos , Vaclav Snasel
2018 3rd International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (CRC) 20 -26
Petr Gajdos , Pavel Dohnalek , Pavel Bobrov
nature and biologically inspired computing 189 -193
Tomas Peterek , Pavel Dohnalek , Petr Gajdos , Maros Smondrk
international conference hybrid intelligent systems 83 -87
Jan Vanus , Radek Martinek , Petr Bilik , Jan Zidek
instrumentation and measurement technology conference 1 -5
Peterek Tomas , Jana Krohova , Pavel Dohnalek , Petr Gajdos
2013 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) 620 -923
Pavel Dohnalek , Petr Gajdos , Tomas Peterek
2013 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) 700 -703
Petr Gajdos , Pavel Dohnalek , Roman Sebesta , Michal Radecky
international conference on telecommunications 1 -5
Tomas Peterek , Lukas Zaoralek , Pavel Dohnalek , Petr Gajdos
international conference on telecommunications 1 -5
Michal Radecky , Petr Gajdos
international conference for internet technology and secured transactions 1 -6
Pavel Kromer , Petr Gajdos
2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2974 -2981
Petr Gajdos , Marek Behalek , Jan Janousek , Pavel Kromer
congress on evolutionary computation 2900 -2907
Vojtech Uher , Petr Gajdos , Michal Radecky , Vaclav Snasel
systems, man and cybernetics 000632 -000637
Suhail SJ Owais , Petr Gajdos , Václav Snásel
CLA 82 -91
P. Gajdos , M. Radecky , J. Martinovic , J. Platos
networked digital technologies 159 -164
P. Dohnalek , M. Dvorsky , P. Gajdos , L. Michalek
Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika 20 ( 5) 123 -126
P. Dohnálek , P. Gajdoš , Pavel Moravec , Tomáš Peterek
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 55 -58
Pavel Dohnalek , P Gajdoš , T. Peterek , V Snášel
Vibroengineering PROCEDIA 2 117 -122