Abdallah Meraoumia , Ahmed Bouridane , Salim Chitroub
european workshop on visual information processing 214 -219
Abdelkrim Hamza , Salim Chitroub
African Review of Physics 2 ( 3)
Salim Chitroub
european signal processing conference 1 -5
Traitement des Signaux , Département Télécommunications , Salim Chitroub , Mouloud Ounas
21° Colloque GRETSI, 2007 ; p. 337-340
Abdallah Meraoumia , Ahmed Bouridane , Salim Chitroub
Photonics and Optoelectronics 1 ( 1)
Chi Hau Chen , Salim Chitroub , Xianju Wang
CRC Press 458 -471
Abdallah Meraoumia , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
Recent Patents on Telecommunication (Discontinued) 1 ( 2) 151 -162
Abdallah Meraoumia , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
Recent Patents on Signal Processing 4 ( 1) 18 -31
Atef Bentahar , Abdallah Meraoumia , Hakim Bendjenna , Salim Chitroub
international conference on communications
Nassima Kihal , Salim Chitroub , Jean Meunier
international conference on image processing 1 -6
Salim Chitroub , Amrane Houacine , Boualem Sansal
intelligent data analysis 5 ( 5) 385 -403
Salim Chitroub , Amrane Houacine , Boualem Sansal
intelligent data analysis 6 ( 2) 187 -207
Imane Bouraoui , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
intelligent data analysis 16 ( 3) 409 -426
Abdallah Meraoumia , Djamel Samai , Salim Chitroub
International Journal of Embedded Systems 11 ( 3) 325 -339
Imen Bouraoui , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
acs ieee international conference on computer systems and applications 1 -7
Abdallah Meraoumia , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
intelligent systems design and applications 648 -653
Abdallah Meraoumia , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
Multimedia Tools and Applications 74 ( 3) 955 -978
Salim Chitroub , Amrane Houacine , Boualem Sansal
Signal Processing 82 ( 1) 69 -92
Abdallah Meraoumia , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
international conference on electrical engineering 1 -4
Abdallah Meraoumia , Salim Chitroub , Ahmed Bouridane
2011 Saudi International Electronics, Communications and Photonics Conference (SIECPC) 1 -6